Cute Animal Rectangular Stamping Plate - Born Pretty Store Review

*This post contains an item(s) that was provided for reviewing purposes however I will as always give my full and honest opinion.

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today? I hope you are having a great week so far? My days are SO mixed up, Monday was a national holiday here in Holland so Monday felt like a Sunday and every day since feels 'off'. Do you ever get that?

Today I have another review for you.. I feel like you guys might not like seeing my review posts as much so I am going to try and be really selective on what I show you from now on; I know seeing similar products can get a bit brain-nulling and while I blog for my own happies I also of course really care what you guys think!

Today I have 'CuteAnimals Rectangular Stamping Plate / BP-L063' from the Born PrettyStore to show you; We all know how great my 'stamping' skills are.. ha.. I tried my first ever reverse stamping! Close your eyes, its a sight for sore eyes! 

 Hats, bra's and toupee's off to you, ya genius stampers out there! I have always enjoyed seeing well stamped manicures and hold so much admiration for those who can make such beautifully neat designs. I am not a natural stamper.. and it does not come easy for me, even pairing images and colours I struggle with... so I truly admire your skills!! 

You'll notice on my middle finger I sort of cut out the 'bad dog, police dept' on the decal.. I'm not sure what happened to it.. but it went bye-bye's :'(

The polishes I used this time were Born Pretty Stores 'Together Forever' holographic polish, Born Pretty Store's Black stamping polish and Essie's 'Splash of Grenadine'.

Lets move onto the plate, shall we? This plate has some beautiful full animal patterns which is what really drew me to it, my favourite has to be the dog pattern I used and also the elephants, cats, dolphins.. Actually MOST of them. I also like that this plate comes with some singular smaller animals which is probably ideal for the stamping geniuses of the world who can mix and match patterns and designs together (I am not even going to attempt that!)

I also liked that there was a few of these designs which work really well with reverse stamping an
d that was what I wanted to try most. Overall I think this plate is a great addition to a stamping addicts collection.

What do you guys think of my first ever reverse stamping nail art? Do you own any animal nail stamping plates?

Have a beautiful day, my friends! I will catch YOU again on Saturday! Take care and thank you for dropping bye!



  1. Such a cute plate and your manicure looks fantastic!

  2. Very cute manicure! :)

  3. Hey- you did it! Awesome job on your first ever reverse stamping! That's animal plate is super cute, especially that doggy in jail that you picked. He looks really fun over the holo polish, too! Really cute mani!

  4. I love this mani and the bad dog is genious!! :D

  5. I love this plate so much, I bought it some weeks ago, too! I think all the patterns are so cute, I love especially the dinosaurs ♥ your mani turned out so lovely and cute, the colours are so sweet and the little dogs are adorable ♥

  6. I think you did a great job and you picked such a cute plate and pretty colors as well. Love it!

  7. aren't that bad stamper...actually you have that super skill to create super beautiful manis with stamping and I can see you doing pro like stamping in no time. You have done very well. :-)


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