Peach Cuticle Oil & Stamping Guide - Born Pretty Store Review

*This post contains an item(s) that was provided for reviewing purposes however I will as always give my full and honest opinion.

Allo polish Pals,

How are you all doing today? Do you have anything planned for this weekend?
I am going to have a quiet one but I'd like to get lots of organising done and hopefully try out some new harder work outs – argh, scary!

There's going to be quite a few things going on in my life soon... I wont go into it now but I've kind of decided to stop reviewing certain things. I almost feel like by posting certain things myself I am not really being honest to myself, in doing that I am creating sort of.. half hearted posts and not ones I am proud of myself for. I WILL let you know whats going on towards the end of the month :)

Today though I am showing you two items from The Born Pretty Store – a peach cuticle oil and a stainless steel stamping guide (And we all know what a great stamper I am..aha..haha.. - that's a nervous laugh in case you hadn't guessed.)

Lets take a look at this cuticle oil shall we? 

I've been having AWFUL trouble with my cuticles, my middle finger.. I have no idea what even happened there?! But the good news is this handy little cuticle pen has been awesome for on the go. I admit I could take better care of my cuticles – and I always intend to but housework stuff always takes over and then I look down and see what a state they are in! 

This nifty little pen contains 2ml full of luscious cuticle oil,  more than enough for a quick pamper on the go!

This cuticle pen has a handy twist nozzle on the top that allows the oil to flow as needed. The scent is peach flavoured but it doesn't smell like natural peach. I'd say it reminds me more of a peach liqueur which means it does have a really sweet scent but I do like it, its not overly sickly sweet but rather cute!

The next item I have to show you is a stamping guide (G002) I was really intrigued by this concept even though I am not a keen or active stamper, I was wondering if a novice such as myself would be able to get the guide in place and stamp the pattern before the polish dried up. Luckily I was! I found this guide easier to use than anticipated however I did do these as decals because I didn't have much faith in myself, ha! 

These plates are approximately 12cm x 6m and are easy to align with stamping plates.  

I think these are a really cool idea but I do think the other guide patterns may be more interesting because the triangle shape, for example, could be achieved with regular tape. You can check out the other guides here.

Overall I think both the items are really good, the cuticle oil I find really handy for at my desk, its great to dab a little on as I write a blog post and its certainly ideal for taking in my purse (who wants to faff around with a bottle of oil on the go?!) I also think stamping artists will have fun making so many cool designs with these guides – I am not very creative with stamping but I can forsee some beautiful manicures created with these guides!

How often do you apply cuticle oil, and do you have a go-to brand? Have you tried a stamping guide before?

Have an awesome day, my friends! I'll catch you again on Monday when I'll have some more freehand nail art to show you!




  1. Cute mani! The stamping guide looks very interesting :)

  2. That cuticle oil sounds handy, although I'm not so sure about that smell. I've been carrying a tin of Burt's Bees with me everywhere (and I have one on my desk and another one on my bedstand) and every time I have a moment to spare I rub a little in my cuticles. I have been doing the same with Lemony Flutter but the smell was too much for me so I gifted that one to my mom (who lovingly adopted the jar and put it in her kitchen).

    The stamping guide looks very interesting. I haven't used a guide like that before but it looks like something I could use... especially since I'm just a smidge clumsy with tape ;)

  3. Is that a refillable pen? I want to try cuticle oil pen because I just want that pen. I make my own cuticle oil by mixing coconut and almond oils and store in an empty polish bottle. I have never heard about stamping guide. It looks so much fun for all stamping lovers.

  4. The stamping guide looks really cool!


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