Essie: Mojito Madness Swatch & Review ★★★★★/5

Allo polish Pals!
Happy Thursday to you all, I hope your having a great week! Tell me something random and exciting about your day? My random little fact is that I got to see James today. Who is James? James is a black and white cat that lives very close by – he's incredibly friendly and I love getting to see him. I call him James because I like to imagine his black and white pattern is a tuxedo... there for... James Bond cat. I know it makes little sense. I only have to say “James!” and he meows and comes running over for cuddles. I am a crazy cat lady, I can't deny it. Anyway... today I have a real beauty to share with you! I've had this polish for what seems like forever so finally I've got round to sharing it with you! This is Mojito Madness from Essie.

Colour ~ Mojito Madness is described by Essie as a lime green polish however I want to say it really reminds me of luscious green grass. Its a bright medium green in a cream formula.

Application ~ Mojito Madness is an absolute dream to apply, I applied my two coats pretty fast for swatching and I had no troubles. On the first layer it may appear a little streaky but the second coat completely transform this into a beautiful and flawless finish as it self levels. It has a great dry time and I've never encountered any issues with bubbling – my pet hate.

Texture ~ I would say it has a medium thickness, it is a great consistency to apply to the nail and dries to a gorgeous glossy finish – I'm not even wearing a top coat in these pictures :)

★★★★★/5 If your a fan of greens and don't already have Mojito Madness in your collection I highly recommend it as a new addition, the application is what I want in every polish, the formula is a dream to work with and it is a beautiful colour for all type of nail art. It is such a mouth watering delicious shade!

Do you have a polish similar to this shade? How do you feel about medium greens?

Have a great evening!


  1. beautiful and very fresh green, looks so good on your nails :)

    1. Thank you Fife! I am glad you like this green. Its one of the greens I am most happy to wear! <3 xx

  2. *Raises hand* I'm a crazy cat lady too! James sounds utterly adorable <3. Hmmm let me see. Well I went to visit my friend today and we went out for a coffee with his girlfriend. He downed a vanilla latte in less than 2 minutes :-O. Me and his girlfriend were like WHAT!!! That's not how you drink coffee - you need to savour it! *rolls eyes*

    What a nice looking green - wouldn't call it 'lime' either but still pretty :-)

    1. Yay for crazy cat ladies! James is a real cutie, sometimes I wish I could just take him home with me, haha :) I hope you had fun with your friends - crazy about the speed drinking! People do it here too and I can't work out how they don't burn their tongues! Mind you vanilla lattes are so good they go down very nicely, hehe :)

      I'm glad you think its not all that limey too but it is a very pretty green non the less :) <3 xx

  3. This is a gorgeous polish and I love the cream finish of it very much!
    What a cute story and name for the cat. I have a cat too, but I am not just a cat lady, I love dogs or any kind of pet's too. I am the crazy pet lady, at least I was before my daughter born. I had, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, a turtle, fishes, dogs and of course cats too. :)
    Something random fact about this day, my daughter woke up full of energy, happy and she brought me a big smile on my tired face!

    1. I'm glad you like this green, Manases! I love all animals too, they bring such joy to our lives :D It sounds like you had quite a zoo at your house! Amazing! Do you still have animals now? That was lovely and in turn made me smile too when I read your comment. I hope you and your daughter continued to have a lovely happy day together :) xx

    2. We have a cat now and my daughter wants of course new pets, especially a rabbit :)

  4. These swatches look great!
    I love this shade and I think your nails looks just lovely!
    Have a nice weekend!! ;)

    xx julia <3

  5. oh dear i know you are nice person with big heart ! give a hug to James for me !
    James is stray cat ?
    love this mojito nails and love you too !

  6. I love green and this polish looks beautiful. Great swatch Ithi x

  7. James sounds adorable :) This is a very pretty green :)

  8. I like such shades of green :)


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