Freehand Mermaid Nail Art With Fish Scale Hexagon Sequins - BeautyBigBang Review

*This post contains an item(s) that was sent for reviewing purposes however I will as always provide my full, honest and completely unbiased opinion.

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today? I hope you have had a great weekend and are ready to start a fresh new week! I really like Mondays, I like the prospect of starting a week over and having an even better one than the previous one! Its a good time to reaccess all the things you maybe couldn't but wanted to do the week before.

Here's a little thingy that happened yesterday morning.. It was fairly early so there was no one around while I was walking Luna pup and there was a man walking behind us. As I turned the corner I heard 'Hello!' - I turned, obviously a little confused and the man started talking. I explained I needed the English, I didn't know some of what he was saying. He said “Are you a sports figure?”
Me:...Pardon? “Oh, because of your muscular calves”... Me: “Oh.. er.. uhm.. thanks.”

I scuttled home so fast, ran upstairs and told my boyfriend and obsessed in the mirror that I must have enormous disproportioned legs. Apparently this is like an old fashioned compliment. My thoughts? A bit weird :( Your thoughts?

But nails now!! Today I have a new product to share with from – I feel in love with these when I saw them in their store, they are '3 Box Set Fish ScaleNail Sequins Mermaid Hexagon Glitter Manicure Nail Art Decorations' in J2107-GN (green).

Of course when they arrived I'd completely forgotten they came in a set of three so I was really confused for a minute, haha!

I am reviewing the green version of these beautiful sequins as I thought they seemed perfectly mermaid-y! They have a beautiful colour shift and turn beautifully from different shades of green through to gold and other colours of the spectrum – they are not quite holographic but they are incredibly pretty. These delicate hexagon sequins come in three pots containing three different sizes, they approximately 1.5mm for the smallest, for the medium and 2.5 for the largest (which is the ones I am wearing)

To wear these I decided to add them on top of a tacky gel top coat however I quickly realised there wasn't enough stickiness for them to stay on properly. So I then added a layer of foil glue which did the job perfectly. I added my regular gel top coat on top to encapsulate them onto the nail – somehow I have ended up with little moisture bubbles on some of the scales however I don't really mind all that much because I think it adds to the mermaid-ism (I'm pretty sure we're making up new words here.) I think it sort of adds to the theme, typically that would drive me nuts!

I also noticed they do tend to curve a little so making sure you apply the flat side down will help them stay on better than if they are sticking upwards.

Overall I really love this product and I think it has many great ways to be worn. I know the full scaled nail isn't for everyone so don't let my manicure scare you off. These would look cute along the ruffian or even on the tips. I think those clever glitter placement artists out there would have fun with these!

What do you guys think of my derpy looking mermaid? How would YOU wear these scale sequins?

Have a fabby dabby day my friends, thank you so much for stopping by. I'll be back on Wednesday with some more nail art to share with you, until then.. here's a sneak peak of the next post!



  1. Hi sweetie! There are Mondays and Mondays..this one as you said is a good starting for me too, the weather is fine so let's go!
    The manicure is brilliant really! A wonderful creation.
    A big hug

  2. Great creativity,I just to know it is really beautiful when you wear it on fingernails

  3. This siren doesn't have calves :D
    Wnderful mani :)

  4. I love this! Those scales are so perfect and mermaidy! I love the dimension and shine that they add to the look. And I think your mermaid is gorgeous!

    Also, I thought I was the only one who actually likes Mondays. I usually don't talk about it because people look at you funnny when you say that. 😂 But I like the fresh start and the chance to jump back into my routines of the week.

  5. It looks really great! And yes, it is a bit of a weird compliment för sure:)

  6. Wow the mermaid is so beautiful!! Those sequins are perfect for this mani! :D

  7. You have way way WAY more patience than I have! I don't think I could find the courage to sit down and fiddle with thingies to get a sequined nail, let alone two (or four if you did both hands)! They do look great with the theme of your manicure though but I don't think I would enjoy them very much if I had to use them myself. Nope, I'll settle for you using them and me watching the result :)

  8. WOW your freehand is incredible! And those sequins make the perfect mermaid tail!

  9. Such a beautiful mer-mani! Since we are making up words...LOL! Your freehand is amazing and the scales really add to this design. xo


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