Freehand Parks & Gardens - Bertie Mcburtlebutton and Ms Blueberry-Baebae Bouffant's 2nd Date!

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today? I hope you are looking forward to a nice and relaxing weekend.. or a fun filled one? What direction is your weekend headed?

I don't have much planned today so I expect it will be the usual stuff. That's ok though! Perhaps if it is nice this morning I will go for a bike ride as I may not be able to do my usual work outs.

Today's nail art is yet again inspired by the weekly challenge over at Tiny Canvas. Our theme this week is 'Parks and Garden's' which had me completely stumped until I remembered that Bertie Mcburtlebutton and Ms Blueberry-Baebae Bouffant still hadn't had their second date yet.

I can't decide if Bertie impresses me or not... He decided to take here around his big fancy manor garden which I guess is kinda cool.. but couldn't he have taken her out somewhere? He probably would have avoided falling in the fountain at least?

Here are some pictures of it at various stages. Click to enlarge!

There's some stuff going in this manicure that I actually can not stand. One example would be the house.. I really, really hate how it looks. I'm not quite sure what happened there, I think I may lost momentum and drive towards the end. Please forgive me!

For this manicure I only really used the basics, OPI's 'Nail Envy' for my base coat and Barry M's 'White' for my starting canvas. I used Pro-FX top coat to create a nice barrier and for my acrylic paint to stick nicely on top of and used my fave brushes and acrylic paints to create all the details.

What do you think about this nail art? I don't think Ms Blueberry-baebae looks any more amused than the first date. Come on, Bertie! You gotta try harder!

What do you guys think of my 'garden' nail art? What do you think Bertie should do on the next date to impress his lady-friend?

Have a fabulous day, thank you so much for stopping by! I'll catch you again on Monday for some more nail art fun - Here's a weeny sneak peak! - I don't give much away!





  1. I envy your freehand skills :) Nails like a fairytale!

  2. His little legs sticking up out of the fountain!, 😂😂 So unexpected and so much fun! I love the story that you created in this mani.

  3. Wow! Your nail art is amazing! Never can do like you so pretty=)

  4. Your mani looks so georgeous, as always ♥ your freehand skills are so impressive! And I don't think the house looks bad, it's cute :)

  5. Ohhh... poor Bertie! He probably was SO nervous about meeting his Miss Right again he completely forgot he ordered a beautiful fountain to impress her ;) Maybe next time Miss B. could pick out the venue? It's the 21st century after all (as long as Bertie manages to pick up the bill, no matter how emancipated Miss B. might be, she IS a lady after all).


♥Thank you so much for visiting today. I always love to read your thoughts and comments so don't be a stranger, come join in!

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