Freehand Icy Snowflake Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!
I hope you are having a great week so far, have you been upto anything fun?
I've been catching up with family I hadn't seen yet and tomorrow I'll be off into town for a spot of lunch and browsing the shops with my mum, nice!

Today I have some meh, bleh. Urgh nail art to share with you. This is the madatory snowflake icy looking nail art I feel obligated to do.. I'm trying my best not to be a grinch about the cold but its soooooo hard. At least I was nice and warm while I painted this.

Also.. I remembered that I did snowflakes before for a 'snow queen' manicure.. its from 2012!! Id you'd like a laugh, or to see the difference between then and now you can see it here!
I created this manicure while I was still in Holland so you'll see me struggling with the 'Generation whYte' again.

For this manicure I began with my usual base coat of Mezmris Nail Lacquer, 'Armor Up'. Once dry I applied two thin (If you can call them thin..) coats of Catrice's 'Generation whYte'. Again, I allowed this to dry and added a coat of my Pro-FX top coat to create a nice smooth barrier. I then created my gradient using my shoddy bamboo brush and acrylic paints. I love doing my gradients this way even if it takes more time! I freehanded everything else using my beloved Pure Color brush in size 9. I've been using this one for everything lately! I sealed it all in with Mezmris Nail Lacquers top coat, 'Armor'... Of course I had to try it out with my Wet 'N' Wild matte top coat too!

I had really high hopes or this nail art but I think it just looks so lack lustre... still. I guess I got snowflakes out of the way! One thing I kind of like about this is how it has a sort of sheen to it, after I finished my gradient I ran my brush over my nails while it had white metallic paint on a very wet brush. Can you see it?

What do you think of this nail art? Have you done any winter themed nail art yet?

Thank you for visiting, have a beautiful day! don't forget to let me know what you think :) I'll be back on Friday for some more nail art fun!



  1. I love the way you added shaddow/contrast to the snowflakes - beautiful work!

    1. Thank you so much, Maria! I had hoped it would add something by creating the darker lines first!

  2. Pretty, like from a fairytale.

    1. Aww thank you so much, A.notcopyacat! <3

  3. I adore how you gave depth to those fantastic snowflakes. This is a flawless and adorable nail art!

    1. Thank you SO much Andrea, I tried to add more detail while still keeping them small, not easy!

  4. So pretty! I love how the gradient background looks like a chilly winter sky.

  5. What is not to love about this? Honest, it's gorgeous!!

  6. These are such cute snowflakes <3

  7. What a gorgeous winter wonderland!

  8. That's superb, like a Disney fairytale... <3


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