Nail Glitter Set & Cat-Eye Magnetic Gel Polish - BeautyBigBang Review

 *PressSample* This post contains an item(s) that was provided for reviewing purposes however I will as always give my full and honest opinion.

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? I hope your week is going well.
I feel like the start to my week has gone epic, thank you to those of you who wished me good luck for my interview on Tuesday. I wont know anything for a while but it went pretty well from what I could guess. Now the waiting game..

Today I have a really mixed double review for you. Do you ever find a product that you just can not get a long with no matter how hard you try? Today I am reviewing Nail Glitter Set and 'Cat-Eye Magnetic Gel Polish' from BeautyBigBang. 

This will be my final review for BeautyBigBang, I am so grateful I had the opportunity to work with them.

Edit: For some reason over night my blogging system went coo-coo so I have had to switch to Disqus, sorry for any trouble if you tried to leave a comment!

First of all lets take a look at this 4 piece set of glitters. They range slightly in colour, two are dark and have teal shades through them while the other two are certainly lighter and more..bluer. This glitter was different to what I expected, I had imagine fine loose glitter however these are more of a powdery/gritty glitter with larger hexagon pieces – I also assumed they were solid however they are translucent which meant putting them on a darker blue base didn't turn out as I'd imagined, because of their iridescent properties they can look more pink in certain light.

I'd also like to stress that my eyes did not like these. After my eye issues over the past couple years I am so careful with things like this but even after washing my hands and cleaning my work surface my eyes did get a little itchy.

Wrinkly thumb nails are not my idea of pretty nails.

Lets move onto the green cats eye magnetic polish...You guys know I pride myself on giving an honest review, I'd never lie to you about my true thoughts on a product because it out-right sucks to purchase something and be unhappy with it, especially if you've read a review and it didn't live up to your expectations.

Here it looks pretty good but its not telling you the truuuth!
I don't like this nail polish. I mean.. I wish I did, I really do. I really like the colour, its bold and interesting but this polish began to crush my spirit in application. Its overly thick, we all know gel polish can be thicker than regular polish but this was creating strings trying to get the brush out of the bottle and to my nails. What's worse is I applied this nail polish on three seperate occassions assuming I was doing something seriously wrong but no matter how thing I applied it or what base I used I couldn't get this sucker to cure – it just wasn't happening.

In fact after these pictures I could easily wipe it off my nail – if I had been off out somewhere in a hurry this would have been a disaster...

I feel a little guilty for today's post, I don't like to show you things that I am personally all for but perhaps this will help out some one who is looking to purchase this gel polish make come to a conclusion.

So.....As I mentioned earlier this will be the last review I am doing for BeautyBigBang but also The Born Pretty Store. I am so thankful to both companies for all the opportunities they have given me and for working with me but I have come to a point where I want to focus more on just on my freehand nail art - the guilty feeling of posting things I am not happy with isn't my fave ever feeling.

Its starting to feeling like I am showing really similar items frequently and that's not what I want to do, it gives me such pressure sometimes and its not how I want my blog to be. I'll still be doing nail polish reviews and swatches and I'll show any nail art items I purchase myself, Its all good!
Have you ever tried a nail polish that left a bitter taste before? What do you think of this glitter nail art?

I hope you have a fantastic day, thank you so much for stopping by. I'll be back on Saturday with some more freehand nail art to share with you.



  1. I want to try the 4 set glitter nail polish so much! But unfortunately my nails are so weak they can't handle any type of nail polish for more than two days without breaking, its so ridiculous... :( Yours looks so good! I want them!

    1. Thank you Maria! That is such a shame about your nails! I used to get a lot of breaks too before I started using OPI 'Nail Envy' base coat, I also file them a couple times a week just to sort out any rough edges. I hope you will be able to wear nail polish soon!

  2. I am all about the glitter! But honestly, I don't get my nails done too often because they always end up ruined within a matter of a week or two!

    1. Everyone needs a little glitter from time to time! Thats true, maintenance can take time and some jobs or hobbies to make them not last as long. Always a shame!

  3. I have never heard of a peel off base coat before. Does it have a certain odor when used?

    1. The one I used is pretty much oudorless and just looks like a clear top coat when applied :)

  4. Oh my goodness. I love the colors here. The green glittery nail decor is really nice. That would be nice around Christmas time actually.

    1. Yes it would be Stephanie if it actually cured.. I don't know what was up with this one. I DO like the shade and agree its perfect for Christmas though!

  5. These are so pretty! I love the glitter tips. Your green nail polish is a pretty color too, perfect for the holidays!

    1. Thank you, Katie! I was quite surprised by the end result of the glitter :)

  6. I've never tried applying gel polish on my own before. But it also depends on the product, sorry about that polish. It sounds like it's terrible to use!

    1. I don't generally have to much trouble with gels which is why after my third attempt with this one I started to lose my cool! It wasn't a fun experience at all, haha.

  7. Aw, bummer that the polish didn't live up to expectations. I definitely know the feeling! Thank you for your honest reviews--too many people say products are great when they aren't. Looking forward to your freehand nail art!

    1. Agreed! Oh of course, thats exactly why I do it as I do, too many times I've trawled the internet looking for reviews on a certain product to read really positive reviews then... urgh.. I don't want that for anyone else! As a fellow nail blogger I am sure you've come across a couple of polishes that gave the same feeling!

  8. I love all the glitter! But I do appreciate you showing us the good and the bad! Definitely is a bummer when products don't work out like we hope, but as a consumer, I appreciate the info!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie. Not everything is always rosy, not even in the nail world, haha. Consumer knowledge is important, nothing worse than being unhappy with a purchase!

  9. I love the colors you used! Thanks for letting us know that the gel polish was a bit too thick and can be disastrous! I want to try it still, but I would keep your warning in mind!

    1. Thank you, Marie and you are welcome. I don't see any point of reviews if they are not a true reflection on the reviewers experience! If you try this one I'd love to know how you got on. Perhaps mine was a bad batch, I don't know. Maybe your experience could be more positive, it happens sometimes!

  10. I love how you didn't went crazy with glitter, and keep it simple and just pretty. I would definitely rock these!

    1. Thank you, Courtney. Yes this nail art is very tame compared to my usual stuff! I am glad you like it :)

  11. This is giving me 80's vibe. Such fun colors. Love your creativity as always.


    1. Thank you, Tanvi! I'm all for an 80's vibe, so fun!

  12. These are all amazing. You are so talented and creative ideas. I do really like the simplicity of that glitter nail art.

    1. Thank you so much, Elizabeth! I am quite happy with how the glitter looked too :)

  13. I have heard about the peel off base coat before and I love to hear what people really think about products. I love the green!

    1. Peel off base coats are a life saver if you want to wear gel for a short period of time. I like the shade too, just not the actual product! :)

  14. What an amazing idea of peel off base coat. I like both the colors and finishes. The blue looks so cool and fresh. On the other hand, the shade of green is so gorgeous.

  15. I love the unicorn looking nails with the glitter. The green is to die for as well and perfect for the holiday season.

  16. Oh wow these are so cute nail art idea.The blue is calling my name, and I want this nail art design on my nails!

  17. So terrible when something that looks beautiful in the bottle can go wrong. The green shade is fantastic but who cares when it is hard to apply or in this case does not cure well. Have a great weekend dear!

  18. so fun, love the green

  19. Really nice green and lovely mani :-D


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