DIY Dry Marbled Pastel Decals

Allo polish Pals!
How are you doing today? I hope you are doing great! Do you have any goals set for this week? I think I am going to start setting myself goals...

I currently have have no internet besides cheekily hopping on to Mr Bravo's 4G here and there (obviously sparingly, Don't want to wrack up a huge phone bill) so I wont be able to comment and stuff until Tuesday (Hopefully the tech can fix it!)
Today I have some more DIY decals. I really enjoyed these nails because it was an easy way to get the water marble look without the failure risk. Its a more guaranteed way of getting marbled nails!

For this manicure I began by using some clear polish on a piece of old flooring (I'm not fancy enough for one of those special mats.. but hey if it works!) I allowed that to dry and painted my first base colour alternately. The polishes I used were Rimmel's 'Peachella' and 'Wild-er-ness', Model's Own 'Blueberry Muffin' and 'Banana Split', Essie's 'Mint Candy Apple' and China Glaze's 'Something Sweet'. I used a tooth pick to marble all these beautiful pastels together and set a side over night to dry.

The next day I painted on my favorite base coat, OPI's 'Nail Envy' to my clean nails and carefully peeled off my decals using pointed tweezers. I lay them onto the nail and gently patted them to get them to stick to my nails (They sort of warm up and stick to the base coat) I cleaned off any excess and took it one step further by adding a white border with acrylic paint and some simple gold sequin studs.

What do you think of my non water marble..marble? Have you tried making your own decals?
I'll keep you posted about my internet situation but luckily enough I have posts hanging around :)

Have a lovely day!


  1. It's truly wonderful! Just superb! <3

  2. So pretty, your nails look almost like beautiful decorated easter eggs :)
    I did create decals before (last ones were fall leaves, I think) another technique I keep telling myself to repeat...

  3. Hope your Internet gets fixed soon! I love the pastel colors with the added white border and studs :)

  4. I love this effect- spectacular :)

  5. Wow, gorgeous marble effect <3


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