Two Patterns Mixed Flower Nail Art Water Decals (Paisley & Abstract) - Born Pretty Store Review

*This post contains an item(s) that were provided for review purposes, however I will as always contain my full and honest opinion.

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today? I hope you are having a good week and good weather too for that matter. South Holland is so indecisive right now, do you want to rain or not?! Make up your mind so I know if I need to bring an umbrella! :)

Before we get to the nails, I'd just like to tell you guys about something that happened yesterday. Something I find pretty awesome and which totally put a smile on my face. YouQueen featured me in an article they posted! The article is 'Top 13 nail bloggers you must follow' (click link, I'm featured at #01). I was delighted when they contacted me to take part and of course said yes – what I didn't know was who the other bloggers would be. So when I saw the wonderful and talented ladies who also featured in the article I was gobsmacked to be paired in the same article as them!! Literally, I've been a huge fan of these ladies for absolutely ever so I feel really honored! Thanks to everyone who continues to follow me on my nail adventures!!

Back to business! If you can call it that, when is nail art ever a chore..or  business?! Today I am reviewing 'Two Patterns Mixed Flower Nail Art Water Decals' from the Born Pretty Store.

Firstly I want to say.. I think this is a first for me, If I am not have two designs on one sheet like this... One design features a very delicate pinky-red paisley looking pattern and the other a mix of pink and what looks like minty green sketchy, abstract, doodle patterns with another light grey background pattern with love hearts and all sorts of shapes. You get enough to wear each pattern on all your nails but you also have the possibility of mixing and matching which is quite nice! I had no trouble applying these decals, which is what I normally find with water decals from The Born Pretty Store.

I totally love both designs but you guys know I love my arty looking nails which is why I opted to show you this set. I also paired them with my first ever 'Wet 'N' Wilds' nail polishes from a dear friend in America!

What do you think of these water decals? Do you like abstract nail designs?

I hope you have a wonderful day, my friends. I'll catch you again on Saturday, don't forget to drop by :)



  1. Wohhh...What an honour Ithi! You deserve it! And thank you for sharing your art with us! As usuall, this is a beauty beautiful manicure! :-)

  2. Lovely decals and I like very much how you combined the colors! Congrats for the feature, you deserve it! Have a great day and weekend!

  3. Congratulations :D I am sure you are inspiration to many including myself . You freehand are always impressive :D

    Both the decals look pretty. But i love the first one more :)

  4. That is so cool to be featured in a list like that, congratulations!!!
    Looking at your manicure I really have to get me some water decals... still haven't tried them out yet ;)

  5. Of course you're so talented, no wonder they've chosen you :)
    Lovely mani!

  6. Congrats on the feature, that's amazing!!


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