Freehand Butterflies & Flowers - The Garden Fence

Allo polish Pals!
How are you doing today? I hope you are doing awesome, do you have anything nice planned for this weekend? It is of couse Father's day tomorrow so I am wondering if it is going to be a full house here. I also had great news and can hopefully get my tickets back home to England booked in the next few days – yay! Everything seems pretty good right now, I hope it is the same for you! 

I also just want to say thank you to those of you who take time to come to my blog, who follow me on social media and generally support what I do - you guys are all so awesome and while blogging is my hobby and I enjoy it, you certainly take it to higher highs. 

Today I have some fairly summery nail art for you! I am not sure about this nail art though, do you think I should have gone for more? More flowers... more butterflies? I'm not sure. I did plan to do roses but backed out.

For this manicure I began with my usual base coat, OPI's 'Nail Envy' and one dry applied two coats of NYC's 'Williamsburg Vintage' for a nice starting base. I then created everything else with my fave acrylic paints and brushes. I sealed everything with my Pro-FX top coat.. and just because I was curious applied Catrice's 'Matte & More' which gave it an interesting shimmer.

Can you believe I can not just buy a regular matte top coat anywhere around here?! I like the 'Matte & More' but the shimmer doesn't suit everything :/

What do you think of this nail art? Do you think I should have added more to it?

Have a fabulous day, same time on Monday? I'll bring the tea and biscuits :)


  1. What a lovely design, I especially like the background.
    And I think the amount of flowers and butterflies is just right :)

  2. I thik that those nails look perfect. There is no need to add something more! ;)

  3. These are so whimsical and beautiful!

  4. Sorry to be late to the party again... but at least I'm here now :)
    Your nails look perfect so I'm glad you didn't add anything else to it.
    Oh, and did you know you can actually get Barry M Matt White in Holland? Just let me know if you want to know more (as I can't add links here ;)


♥Thank you so much for visiting today. I always love to read your thoughts and comments so don't be a stranger, come join in!

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