Fantasy Water Colour, Water Decals - Born Pretty Store Review

*This post contains item(s) that were sent for review but as always I will provide my full and honest opinion

Allo polish Pals!
How are you doing today? I hope you are all having an excellent week, how are we half way through already?! Today I have some more water decals in C167 from The Born Pretty Store to share with you again. These came from the same decal sheet as the water decals I showed you on Saturday.
These are actually very impressive, I loved the design but I just didn't co-ordinate very well. 

Don't forget you can get a 10% discount on any orders from The Born Pretty Store when you use the code DRX31

I decided to go for a 'strong' nail to kind of set things off but in my opinion it didn't look quite right. Do it again? Sure! Oh wait... I don't have any more decals with the eye/face... that's why this is what it is.
I used the bottom left decals.

These decals come in a strip that makes it to see where you should be cutting the decals according to their varying sizes. Given the guideline for the size I went ahead and cut where the pattern ended and the next decal began but it was slightly too narrow for my thumb nail. It may not be that way for everyone, my thumb nail is pretty...fat.

I absolutely love these decals, I love how soft but vibrant they are. They remind me of delicate water colour paintings. There were two pieces of this decal which featured a beautiful image of a woman's face. I loved the way these look but I have to really reinforce one fact – be careful not to stretch it during application because it will not look pretty or elegant but rather deformed.

On a whole I really like these and I would wear them again but I would pair them with a lighter and more colourful polish. That's just really terrible pairing on my part, sorry.

What do you think of these colourful water decals? Have you ever had a decal stretch and become strange looking?

Have a beautiful day!


  1. Lovely decals. I like the way you added to your nails!

    1. Thank you Manases! Well I sort of had little choice, the strip for the thumb was a little too small so I didn't want to risk it! xx

  2. Cute decal specially the index finger.
    I like all those colors!

    1. Thank you, Ninthea! Me too, it looks so detailed! I'm a sucker for all these shades too :D xx

  3. They are so beautiful! :)

  4. Pretty decals and lovely mani :-D

  5. These are so pretty, I love how they came out!


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