Freehand Dumbo Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I hope you are looking forward to the new shiny week ahead, whatever your plans. Will it be a busy week or a more relaxed one? Today I have a manicure I created while I was in England (I really managed to do a lot an still spend lots of time with my family - lovely!) I worked pretty hard on this manicure, at least three or four hours of work! Sadly while editing the pictures I discovered bubbles and that my acrylic didn't look as smooth as I had intended... Still I want to show it to you! HERE is the pin I was inspired by.

For this manicure I began with two coats of Essie's 'Tart Deco' (such an amazing shade!) and created literally everything else with my Oumaxi acrylic paints and bamboo brush. I finished off with Barry M's top coat.

In reflection I wish this manicure looked much smoother but I am glad I did this manicure, it was a challenge and its always fun to push myself! Before I started I didn't think I would manage to complete anything at all. Ever the optimistic, huh. I'm not entirely sure you'd think it was Dumbo if I hadn't told you!

What do you think of my Dumbo inspired nail art? Have you done any Disney nails before?
Have a beautiful day!


  1. wow, I love this small cute elephant- perfect nail art dear Ithi!

  2. Awww, this is uber-cute - so, so well painted!!!

  3. Naaaw soooo cute, I love it. You're so good at freehand patterns like this...I don't know how you do it....sooo beautiful.

  4. It is adorable. I am going to show this one to my daughter. I am sure she is going to want to paint my nails the same way :))

  5. this is sooo cute, so adorable and so perfect!

  6. This manicure is amazing! All these little details! Perfect. You've outdone yourself!
    It looks so real. And the essie polish is gorgeous too. Underlines the whole circus theme with its brightness.
    xo, Pia

  7. Ithi and red ?see how it is good pictures came out
    superb! Dumbo is cute and real ! have a nice day dear friend !

  8. You are such a talented artist!

  9. I absolutely see Dumbo and it is so freaking cute!! You're such an awesome artist, I m always in awe with your work!

  10. You nail art is amazing as always. Your Dumbo is so cute :) I have done LOTS of Disney nails, but none as amazing as yours!

  11. So adorable!!! I like that you make the design across three nails! :D

  12. Wow, this is amazing! Don't think I would have the patience to work on my nails for 3-4 hours... but I'm glad you do, so I can see your fantastic work :D x

  13. Oh my gosh, it's so, so beautiful, I love it <3


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