Sinful Colors: Dancing Nails Swatch & Review ★★★★/5

Allo polish Pals!

How are you today? I hope you are doing better than me! My immune system seems to be on va-caycay (er... vacation) at the moment. Not to mention that having a cold/ flu right now is extra bad timing what with traveling to England on Saturday. Come on, body! Pull yourself together! Do you do anything to help get over colds faster? I'd love to know if you have any special tips or home remedies.
Now. Lets got onto the pretty, shall we? Today I have a swatch and review for you of Sinful Color's 'Dancing Nails'.

Colour ~ Dancing Nails is a pretty metallic rosy pink that often leans more towards red in low light. I would even say sometimes it can appear to have a more coral tint.

Application ~ Superb application, with amazing dry time. I had no issues with bubbling however due to its metallic finish you may see brush strokes but its certainly not the most visible I've ever seen with a polish and I think it is hardly noticeable.

Texture ~ This polish is quite on the watery side and dries in very thin layers which means it is ideal for building up coats if need be.

★★★★/5 I like dancing nails. I think it is quite charming. I don't know if its a real 'me' shade but it is unlike anything in my small collection of red/pink polishes. I think if you, like me, have less of these colours then this polish could sit quite nicely amongst them. I'd also say it would make a great polish for someone who wants to wear red but is a little shy of the colour. Also don't forget that amazing dry time – a real bonus.

What do you think of this shade, would it entice you if you saw it in a store? Do you own any polishes from Sinful Colors?

Have a great day!


  1. I wonder where you got this ;) I looove the color! Would totally buy it right away.

    My tips for colds: Eat fresh ginger pieces and drink thyme tea. It helps for me. Hope it will for you.

  2. beautiful shade! This shimmer is amazing :)

  3. What a pretty colour and I love the finish. :-)

    I'd advise ginger too. Plenty of fluids and postitive attitude - thinking about being healthy rather than being ill. Also a hot shower or a hot spicy curry to clear your head . Hope you feel better soon *hugs*

  4. gorgeous polish! When I'm sick I take lots of vitamin C tablets and drink lots of tea and I feel better pretty quickly :)

  5. Hope you feel better soon. When I get flu my mom makes a home medicine/ kind of soup. The recipe is as following.

    A little more than half glass of water (big glass)
    Turmeric powder (According to taste)
    Cumin seeds (Half small spoon)
    Ginger Paste (Half small spoon )
    Salt (According to taste)

    Boil them together and make sure it boils enough. The boil water should be less than half of glass you used. filter it and drink it when it's still hot.

    This medicine works for my whole family. Hope it works you for to (:

    This is very pretty shade of pink. Something I don't mind wearing (I dont like pink generally but this can be exception :D)

  6. I love sinful colors and this shade looks great on your nails ;)



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