Starfish and Shell Themed Stamping Plate - Born Pretty Store Review

*This item was sent to me to review but as always will contain my full and honest opinion. :)

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I hope your doing good! I'm in a pretty up beat mood today, I finished my four mile work out and it makes such a difference to how my day starts. I'm also happy because I have a really beautiful stamping plate from TheBorn Pretty Store to share with you. I have to say, I am not the most confident stamper but I couldn't resist the stunning design. This is plate #10, Starfish and Shell Themed.
You can get a 10% discount on all Born Pretty Store items when you use the coupon code: DRX31

 As you can see from my first picture this plate features one huge beautiful design and several smaller designs including a star fish, a seashell and various other little patterns. As I mentioned I am not the most able stamper but the patterns are really well etched into the plate which means that picking up the pattern was insanely easy. I am a big fan of the large design as there are so many sections of it that you can use for a really unique manicure. I originally saw this plate and knew I had to do blues and greens, throw in some glitter and would hopefully end up with something quite oceanic and whimsical. However I completely back tracked on this idea as I know it is too easy for me to reach for the blues often.

I started with two coats of Barry M's 'Mustard' and once this had dried I sectioned off the tips of my nails in a chevron style. I then applied Essie's 'The Lace is on'. Allowing this to dry I then back tracked back to the section of my nail and created a gradient on top of 'Mustard' with Essie's 'Meet Me At Sunset'. Again, allowing my gradient to try I then used tape to protect 'The Lace Is On' and stamped on top of the gradient using Barry M's 'Gold Foil'.

I am really pleased with how this turned out. The colours and pattern remind me of traditional Indian dresses. The stamping plate was great fun to use and I urge big stamping fans to take a look at The Born Pretty Store's stamping plate collection. They have many more large designs like this on – many of them are really beautiful. One of my other favorites is the peacock stamping plate.

What do you think of this stamping plate? Have you tried large stamping plate patterns?

Have a gorgeous day!


  1. Ooh it looks great Ithi! The polish you stamped with looks beautiful in combination with the other colours, I love it!

    1. Thank you so much, Robin! I felt quite brave with these colours, I'm so glad I didn't stick to my blues this time! <3 xx

  2. this is amazing, with the chevrons and the gradient and the stamping!!! beautiful !!! I've ordered this plate - hoping it will arrive soon xx

    1. Thank you, Debbie! I hope you enjoy your new plate, it is such a fun pattern to play with! I look forward to seeing you stamp again :D <3 xx

  3. beautiful design Ithi!- this pattern and colours really reminds me an Indian dress as you mentioned already:)

    1. Thank you, Fife! I'm glad you say that and it wasn't just me imagining it! <3 xx

  4. Nice patterns and I love your mani :-)

  5. I have the same stamping plate to review :) Lovely mani.

    1. Yes I saw this on your blog! I am really looking forward to seeing how you wear this plate and what colours you will use with it! :) xx

  6. love it ! first i was thinking about rising sun! very creative manicure.i love it so much

    1. Yes I guess there is a sun-set colour palette going on! Thank you for your kind words as always, Bubica! <3 xx

  7. The plate is really great and your manicure is fantastic. The color combo has an Indian style touch in my opinion, and I like it this way a lot!

    1. Thank you Manases! I'm glad you like it! I really thought these colours reminded me of an Indian style too! xx

  8. wow this is so beautiful! the colors you chose are gorgeous!! :)

  9. The colors are a very good match and the stamping is just beautiful! I do stamping very seldom and haven't tried such large poatterns before.


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