Tropical Treasures

Allo polish Pals,
Hope you are well today? I had quite a busy and great weekend but unfortunately I am now pretty sick (Don't worry, just my usual stomach syndrome. I am barely able to think past the pain – realistically I probably shouldn't have done those 5 miles this morning know I was not feeling well.) so I am going to keep today’s post really short and sweet. All I can really say about this manicure is that when I was planning it that I started off with green and blue, somewhere along the way I ended up with what you see here..

On three of my nails I began with Rimmel's 'Tutti Frutti' and created a gradient with Model's own 'Pink Punch'. I then used striping tape to create a pattern and added Sally Hansen's ' Green With Envy' on top. I finished these nails by adding some silver square/diamond studs to the centre. On my remaining nails I used all the same colours to create a simple chevron look and added some small triangle studs to their centre points. I kind of wish the finished look was slightly neater, I see bubbles and such but hey ho.

What do you think about this bright three coloured look? Have you created a striping tape manicure with a gradient?

Have a great evening!


  1. Ithi, hope you are getting better :)
    Love your design :)

    1. Thank you, Fife! I'm feeling a little better today, thankfully a lot less pain going on! Hopefully I am back to my usual self by tomorrow. Thank your for your kind words :) <3 xx

  2. Hope you feel better soon *hugs*

    This is really nice I like it :-) And I like the new look to your blog too :-)

    1. Thank you Ananka! *hugs back*
      I'm glad you like it ~ and also thank you for noticing the changes! I wanted to keep it pretty much the same but I had felt like something wasn't right last time I changed the look - I wanted a cleaner lighter look to the blog :) xx

  3. You ended up with a fantastic and eye catching looking manicure. The color combination is striking and the stripes came out very neat. I wish you all the best.

    1. Thank you so much, Manses! I wasn't as happy as usual with my tape design but I was happy with the combination! It came out much different to the original plan which featured a moody blue! xx

  4. I like the look of this! The stripes remind me of diamonds. I tried using striping tape recently but I still have to learn a lot.

    1. Thank you, Stadwaldvogel! I wanted to create some kind of frame/border for the diamond studs :) I normally enjoy striping tape manicures and find them not too hard but it took me practice to not get all the pieces mixed up and pull the wrong tape off in the wrong order! You will get used to it the more you do it :) xx

  5. This is a super interesting and cool mani! I love that you mixed two different designs using the same colors, and the studs are a fun touch. :) Hope you're feeling better now. <3

    ~ Yun

  6. Get well soon Hun. I adore this colour combo xx

  7. wow, i am in love with those color ! superb look ! and well done manicure with tape :)


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