I'm A Blog Your Heart Out Nomination!

Allo polish Pals!
How are you doing? I always love to know how your week is going so don't fail to mention it when you leave a comment! I'll be in the midst of a washing clothes and packing spree tomorrow. I like to be ahead of myself but there's always something last minute you need washed or something you need to leave out and then remember to pack before a big trip! So for today I'd like to thank my beautiful blogger friend Gelic  for giving me this award.

The rules for this nomination are:
Answer 5 given questions and nominate 5 other blogger with less than 100 followers. The nominees should also be told that they are nominated.

The 5 questions to answer:
1. What/who encouraged you to start blogging?
My parents, family and partner. I was always labelled the artistic one within my family. I missed painting but I no longer felt like painting anymore! I needed a new direction so I rediscovered my love for nail art. I also was at a point in my life where I need structure so I know committing to a blog would be brilliant.

2. How did you chose what topic(s) to blog about?
I originally started this blog with the intent of showing my face for make up looks and nail art (God, I really spared you guys deciding to just focus it on nail art, that’s how much I love you all! ♥) Somewhere down the line I realized I only wanted to focus on nail art :)

3. What is something that most people don't know about you?
I'm pretty small at only 5ft 1! My partner is 6ft4 so there's a big difference between us! But I like it!

4. What three words describe your style?
I would say.. rough, unique and creative.

5. What do you like to do when you are not blogging?
Best of all I love naps! I kid you not! Sometimes when I have a big manicure on the go with many layers I rest my head on the pillow and my arm flops off the bed to avoid manicure danger! I've perfected this technique enough that I can sleep!  When I was in England I loved long dog walks with Charlie-dog. Even in the rain those walks lift your mood. I also love movie time with my man. Luckily for me he likes horror's just like me! I also love watching my girly shows like New Girl, Devious maids with a glass or few of wine :)

My five nominees are:

Love you all!


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