Freehand Viking Ship

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing? Can you believe we're at the last weekend of February? Honestly.. where does the time go?!

Today I am bringing back my short nubby nails since these were painted last year. My sister came up with the idea of a Viking ship design. I loved the idea but once again feel like my execution wasn't on point.. Mind you, I am always pretty harsh on my designs aren't I?!

I am so glad I switched my nail shape up, these rounded nails don't do many favours, I think. What do you think? What nail shape do you guys have? I think its a personal choice but as much as I love squared nails I just can't pull them off and usually resort in nail breaks for me – no thanks.

For this design I used.. tries to remember. OPI's Nail Envy case coat, China Glaze's 'White On White' and my Pro-FX top coat. I also used Barry M's matte top coat and a range of acrylic paints and brushes to paint on my scene.

Why didn't I add the shields on the ship.. why didn't I paint little people? Questions to ask always once I am finished, edited and pictures are removed from my memory card. It happens. It could have been better in my opinion but I always have fun painting so nothing is lost!

What do you think of my Viking ship? What scenes would you like me to paint next?

Thank you so much for visiting, make sure you have a fantastic weekend! I'll see you again on Monday for some more nail art fun!



  1. I keep chuckling when I hear you refer to this nail shape as nubbies... they're at least three times as long as my current super nubbies ;) But your new shape definitely looks a lot nicer on you. I guess my nails could be called oval and I'll probably stick with that shape for... ehm... ever? ;) Squares look pretty on pictures but I would always be filing them down as the corners snag on everything and get caught in my keyboard so they break all the time (yep, been there, done that). And as I have really short nail beds, I need some free edge to have some space to paint on ;)
    And talking about painting... I can see what you mean when you say some things could have been added, but the ship looks great as it is. The vikings just aren't on the war path but lying on the deck, basking in the sunshine. That's why there's no one to be seen :)

  2. I think it turned out beautiful. May be you can recreate adding the the things you missed :D You have up your nail painting since last year. So its owould be interesting to see :)
    I always have Squoval shape :) I never tried other shape :)

  3. You're definitely waaaay too harsh upon yourself! Your designs are always so detailed and clear! I know I'm only repeating myself, but I cannot even imagine working on such a small surface. You're doing great <3
    I'd love to see something springtime-ish. Flowers, maybe? The cold weather has returned to us and it'd be lovely to see something colourful and happy :)

  4. Every time you post I'm seriously blown away by your talent/skills!!! This is AMAZING!!! If I had your skills I would try the Hogwarts castle because Harry Potter is my FAVORITE. I'd love to see that! My nail shape is...whatever happens when I cut them. Sort of rounded!

  5. Oh my gosh, these nails are the absolute cutest! I'm actually going to be going to the Viking Exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum within the next couple of weeks, so I think I'll have to do my nails up for the occasion! ;)

  6. My nails have always been round. Whenever I have them in a square shape, they ALWAYS break as well! I love the intricacy of this design. I've had decals but never painted on like this!

  7. This design is so clever! Loving how the ship is built over three nails! those details too! you are so talented! I wish i was able to design such amazing nail art! xx corinne

  8. I love getting my nails done, it's like my little pampering session. I've used a few brands before, even though china glaze is one of the more popular ones I've never tried them out before. I'm absolutely loving the designs by the way!

  9. I like that every nail design compliments the other. Very creative and unique. Good job

  10. Your designs are so fun and creative! I bet people stop you on the street and comment on them all the time. I square my nails and paint them, but not like yours. 😉

  11. I love this! Where I live has a strong Viking heritage. Every year at the end of January we have Europe's largest fire festival with a burning of a viking galley ship. These nails would be PERFECT for that!

  12. While reading your post I realized that you are self critical too, finding ways to constantly innovate. But I love your each creation because each comes with unique concept and you bring that concept alive on nails.

  13. This is crazy! I would totally go for a viking theme:)) Also this blue is really unique, you're really talented.

  14. Every time there are surprises for me and I never get bored but always look forward to your new and creative ideas. I love to have square shape nails and have it very short. I don't like to catch the dirt in the long nails. I love the sky blue series and love the viking boat!

  15. Very creative and unique design.My wife also love nail arts. i shown her this photos , she also love it very much.

  16. Totally enjoying the nail art designs that you post. I'm at awe with what you can do without using stencils or anything. I think you did an amazing job with the Viking ship!

  17. You should give yourself more credit, these are amazing! I think they are really a gorgeous design.

  18. I am totally loving this nail art, the viking theme and details are so beautiful. I do love squared nail shape but never been able to keep it for long, for now I have round shape and trying to be satisfied with that :)

  19. These are totally amazing. You are so creative and talented. I hope I can paint my nails like that. You did an a great job.

  20. I love all ur scenes Ithi! You are so talented and creative! I am not, really, so I wouldn't have those original ideas, hihi. I also prefer your nail shapes now, I'm not so fan of round nails. I (try to) keep my nails in square shape, but most times the corners end up breaking and I have to file them to "squoval"...

  21. Drakkars are super cool! Great design idea!

  22. I think your design is wonderful and when you say that you should have added people I am wondering where and how, as they would need to be so tiny. I am always fascinated by your designs and how much details they have inside.

  23. I love looking at your designs. How do you go through the process? Do you ever show tutorials?

  24. Oh my goodness. That takes such talent. Great job!!

  25. Another design with great details. You always impress me with how much you get in on such a tiny canvas.

  26. I love these!! The colors are so fun, and I adore how the designs continue from nail to nail. Lovely!

  27. This is so fun and kind of gets me excited for summer and it’s so bright. Again, you are so so talented.


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