Freehand Lake House Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing? I hope you had a nice relaxing weekend and feel refreshed and ready for a new week? I didn't really do much, I didn't really paint anything either, most of it was spent job hunting and organising things...

Which reminds me I really need to take stock of my nail polish collection – would that be something you'd be interested in seeing? I'd like to cataloge them all so I know exactly what I have, its also a good chance to de-clutter and throw away any ancient and dead polishes that are beyond saving!

Today's nail art is one I have mixed feelings about. I'd say my head was about 60% focused on this design, I think I got a little lazy and uninspired half way through.. opps. I think it shows in the swan terribly!

My clean up wasn't the best.. and look at that house. Its like my soul took a break.

Surprisingly though it won a lot of people, this was another design the girls on cosmetics went nuts over during my temp job in December. Again I was pushed from person to person “Have you seen Ithi's nails?! How did you do it?! Stickers? You painted it yourself?!” - a lot of my designs are removed before people see them so its really nice to get feedback in person!

I used China Glaze's 'White On White' which has now been made redundant after discovering ORLY's 'White Tips'. I used acrylic paints for the details and my fave Pure Color brush in a size 10.
I finished it all up with two coats of top coat and eventually my Barry M matte top coat.

Don't be shy, I love to hear from you guys!

What do you guys think of this design? Would you want to visit this place?

Thank you so much for visiting, I hope you have a wonderful day. I'll see you again on Wednesday!



  1. I wish that’s what my nails looked like with 60% effort! I’m not very artistic and definitely not with my nails. I would like to visit that house. I think a blog on your polish organization would be cool to read. I want to see all of your polishes! 😝

    1. Aww thank you, Samantha! I would like to visit this house too! Maybe as a little summer holiday. Thank you, I will look into a way to capture my collection probably :)

  2. Awww Ithi, even when you're uninspired your nail art is still so gorgeous. I actually saw this on FB yesterday and loved it. How's the job hunting going?

    1. Thank you so much Michelle. The urge to paint at the moment is so weak, Its not even a case of not having ideas..maybe its having too many! Sadly nothing so far, I'm not hearing back from the ones I have applied for and most of them are still being advertised. Besides that there isn't much going but something will turn up, I am keeping positive :)

  3. wow! so neat and creative! I wish I could do that to my nails!

  4. I eagerly wait for your post to see the new story you tell through your amazing nail art. You bring any idea alive on nails. I am so fascinated.

  5. Thank you so much Emily! Promise me if you try to share with me, I love seeing other peoples nail creations :)

  6. Love the colors here ... I would wanna live in that small little house ... haha ... Hope you are doing well!


  7. I think it looks great! You put a lot of effort into it - and it's not something you see everyday. I imagine it DID win a lot of people - and rightfully, so.

  8. Oh, my!! You are truly blessed. You are so talented and creative. This lake house nail art looks really impressive. You really did a great job.

  9. What a relaxing scene!! I am amazed that you did this have some serious skills! If I tried this it would just even brown where all the colors blended together...LOL.

  10. Your nail art just keeps getting better and better, your creativity amazes me every time. These are so very gorgeous!!

  11. The first thing I thought about when I saw this was that I wanted to visit this place. You always have such unique designs.

  12. Every time I see a new nail art by you, I am awed by your patience. This one looks gorgeous, and I'm not surprised that many people admired it! Good luck with finding a job! ;)

  13. love the colours and designs. great talent right here

  14. It is winter in my country now and it is time for the light blue colour everywhere in nature. You are such a talented nail artists I have ever seen. Loved that cute swan which you have projected there...

  15. Oh Ithi!! Your nails look like Switzerland! Seriously this kind of landscape is very current around here, we only have lakes, mountains and cheese LOL
    Have a nice weekend sweetie :)

  16. WOW!! unique designs and so colorful. Please share some easy to do nail art for Indian skin tone.



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