Models Own: Purple Passion Swatch & Review

 Allo polish Pals!
Happy start to the week to you all. Did you have a fantastic weekend? Today I will be showing you one of the two last Model's Own swatches for a while. I had hoped to have an interesting nail art look for you today but I just had a bad feeling about what I had done. No matter how much I looked at it I could see little imperfections and that really irked me!

Today's little minx is Model's Own 'Purple Passion'. You may remember it from my Hoot Hoot Passion owl post.

Models Own: Purple Passion

Purple Passion is a beautiful little gem although I did have my issues with it. While I love how the colour looks with its almost perfect semi matte/jelly like finish it didn't want to apply and the first coat was streakier then a piece of streaky bacon. Luckily after two coats and a good lick of Seche Vite top coat I ended up with a beautiful result. This is such a versatile colour and I know I will be using it loads in the future. I can battle through get the same result with some patience.
If I had to try and describe the colour to you I would say it is a red/pinked toned purple. Its very warm and inviting. For some reason it makes me think of Mulberry wine ~ Mm, warming!
All my purples are 'purples' and I think that’s why I like PP so much as it has a slight twist.

What do you think of Purple passion, do you like the look of its finish?
Do you own any polishes that have a similar shade already? 
Would you still use a polish if you ave to battle with it streaking on application?

Take care!



  1. Suddenly I *need* this one, lol. I would never have thought this one was streaky judging by the final result, so you applied it wonderfully. Just so you know, the link to the Hoot hoot passion post is not working :(

    1. I know I was not expecting any streakage at all! Thank you I am trying my best to stop flooding my cuticles. I used to be a very messy painter and I'm working on that! Thanks for letting me know! :D xx

  2. I want to love all models own polishes so bad but I just struggle with the application so much. In saying that utopia is one of my favs so I can just about manage to struggle through three coats :) xx

  3. Such a gorgeous colour! I love it!

    Jazz x

  4. Very pretty purple! I wish Models Own was easier to find here in the US.

    ~ Yun


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