The Kissy Kracken - Freehand Octopus Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!

How're ya all doing today? I hope this week has been going well for you?

I've found myself in somewhat of a slump. I'm not sure if its the dull repetitive weather, being out of work or just the same continuous pattern. I'm normally a positive person but I'm just finding it hard to get my oompf at the moment. I'm not unhappy but its like my motivation is at a low. Is that what they mean by January blues? I hope you guys don't have that feeling!

Today's nail art is in fitting with the theme over at Tiny Canvas, the current prompt for the weekly challenge is aquatic life. I thought about doing some small detailed exotic fish but I felt like going for someone a little more fun.

 “First... comes the kiiiissy kissy, then comes the eatings!!”


My kraken/octopuses face is inspired by the kissy emoji because I thought it would look so silly on him, something a little more comical.

I'm gonna be reeeeeaally honest and say I'm really unimpressed with this design. I guess the idea didn't come to mind until I was sat painting it, had I of planned this out better I probably would have used different colours, made the sky much more moody (sky doesn't stand out enough in my opinion)

But still, I decided to share it to see what you guys think. I can't like what I do 100% of the time but I always learn from it.

What do you guys think of my kissy kraken? Would you be scared of him?
Thank you for visiting, I'll catch you again on Friday for an exclusive sneak peak of a brand new collection! Have an awesome day!



  1. I agree the sky doesn't look moody enough to match the lightning but still and awesome design. I like how the octopus spans across the nails.

  2. I love it Ithi!! I really don't know how you do it, you are always coming up with such original ideas. I love it!

  3. I think it an adorable design, but not the best of what I've seen from you. The sky doesn't stand out as well as it could. I love the lightning though. Seeing a design that incorporated that more would be awesome.

  4. You have the most creative style and ability! Your precision in creating art on your nails is so amazing. I can barely paint my nails. LOL. Great job.

  5. Oh my gosh your nails are totally adorable!!! I loved every how super cute they are!! Shell

  6. I have that January blue feeling too, this year started kind of hard after almost three weeks of holidays with no work. Aw, I already miss the lazy days :) As about the nails, I don't know where you always take the original ideas, this octopus is super cute!

  7. Oh my goodness. I love this. The colors are great and he is just too cute! Not scared here!!

  8. I am always in awe of your work. Do you practice on paper before your nails?

  9. I'm so loving these nails.. How I wish I can do it on my nails without messing up my left nails. It happens all the time.

  10. I really like the face you've given the octopus, it's really nice. I can see what you say by the moody sky, indeed it would make more sense, with the lightning on the last night. However, it's still impressive!

  11. I totally disagree! ha! I think these nails are fabulous! I love the comical aspect of it. We're always so serious these days, it's nice to see lighthearted art and beauty! I wouldn't change a thing - and I esp love the kissy kissy emoji.

  12. Shreya Bhattacharyya19 January 2018 at 08:46

    I love what you have done except for the thumb. The octopus in your middle finger looks so cute��

  13. your posts inspired to be more daring with my nails. Does it take you a long time to do. Your designs really are so unique

  14. Wow!! You really did a great work. I really adore all your nail works. You are so creative and talented and this Octopus nail art are so cute.

  15. Wow!! You are so creative and talented. I really adore all your nail works. and this Octopus Nail art are so cute.

  16. I agree that this weather is horrible, I hope the January blues end soon. I cannot believe this is freehand, this is absolutely incredible. I know I say it on like every post but I’m always blown away by how talented you are.

  17. I keep saying this but you are so creative. You talent is just out of this world. Awesome nail art.

  18. I definitely understand the January blues! Even though I celebrated my birthday last week, the weather is keeping me down (LOL). I love this nail look! Very bright and fun!

  19. Loved the fresh and calm colours of the nail art..the octopus is adorable but so difficult to create i feel..

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Such great colours. I love all the details. I am in awe of how detailed the designs are. I am a hopeless nail painter and make a huge mess.

  22. Wow this is so cute, you are really talented to be able to bring that to life on nails. Stunning!

  23. Oh my goodness, these are my favorite yet! These are definitely so cute! I love how you make them look so perfect! Thank you for sharing.


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