5g Soak Off Fur Efrfect UV Gel Polish - Born Pretty Store Review

*Press Sample*: This post contains an item(s) that was provided for reviewing purposes however I will as always give my full and unbiased opinion.

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing? I hope you've had a great week, do you feel like lots of positive things happened?
I'm doing well. I'm generally really happy. I've slid into my pattern with a breeze. This past week I've been on my own as my parents have been away (they came back last night) and it was actually nice to have the house to myself – after the past few weeks it was like putting on the breaks. I've kept myself extremely busy with all sorts of jobs around the house, blogging, being Auntie Ithi. The highlight has been getting up at 6.30 to work out and going going to bed every night with my little black cat. Every day we've started and ended our days together this past week. Missed him so much! I'm finding the beauty in the simplest of things.

My ikea helmer came!...And then it returned. It was bent and damaged and now I don't think I want to go with a helmer as the metal seems so thin.. so the nail polish storage hunt continues. I'm limited with sizes due to built-in furniture but I'll figure something!

Today I am showing you another item from The Born Pretty Store. I've been excited to show you this one! Sadly the nail art is a little..hrrm.. but this stuff is pretty fun! This is '1 box 春の歌5g Soak Off Fur Efrfect UV Gel Polish in #10' – D'awww check out the packaging!

I was so intrigued after seeing this in the Born Pretty Store that I decided I wanted to try it! You know my gel experiences are fairly limited and really tame so I had no idea what to expect or really even how to apply it.

I absolutely love this stuff. Can I have the entire collection? If you see the picture of my nails with just the UV gel on.. I really like how it looks there. It was so shiny, so smooth. I wouldn't say it makes me think of fur right away but I love the effect it gives. Its subtle and gorgeous.
First of all my heart was captured by the packaging, I love how this isn't just a boring round pot, instead it has a sort of mock-antique look to the design which is really cute – and then the bear.. Oh isn't he adorable?! Paws up!

How did I apply it?
Upon opening I was a little surprised by the gooey contents (although what was I really expecting if not gooeyness?!) but I got to work. I applied my NYC peel off base coat because the idea of anything gel-like being stuck on my nails terrifies me! I then took an old rounded eyeshadow brush and began to gently dab/brush on the UV gloop. At this point it wasn't looking like much and I thought this would be a really embarassing review but I did a thin layer and cured it under my lamp. I repeated this twice more and did a double take. Somehow it had come together beautifully and once the colour had built up a little I was smitten. I applied a coat of Born Pretty Store's UV Gel top coat and voilà!

conclusion? I personally really like it. I don't really like a lot of fuss when having to apply a coat of colour but I wouldn't say this was too much hard work, certainly not enough to put me off. I love how glossy and smooth it looks and I would certainly buy more of these based on my experience with this one. For those of you who are not into gel perhaps its not for you – or if you worry about gels on your nails try the peel off approach as I did but I highly recommend this fun little bear pot!

Have you worn a liquid gel like this before? What do you think of my twinning bear?

Have an awesome weekend my friends, thank you for stopping by! I'll catch you again on Monday for more nail art fun!..



  1. Congrats on the helmer :)
    Cute mani, cutesy :)

    1. Thanks A.notcopyacat but I had to return it! I've now gone for something entirely different, I'm looking forward to showing you all! :)

  2. So sad to hear about your less than perfect Helmer :( Maybe you could try my way of storing polishes? My bottles are in cardboard boxes with lids on them and a label at the front so I know what's in them. That way they are kept safely in the dark and the boxes are just the right size to put them in a bookcase. I'm boring so mine are plain white but of course you can get them in all sorts of colors ;)
    That bear stuff looks great! It's like a subtle smoosh manicure in a jar and it's a great base for nail art too, especially for that little bear and the cute flowers you created.

    1. I made a decision, I'm going down the furniture route as then I'll have extra furniture when I can move out. It should arrive this week, fingers crossed my kind dad can put it together for me! ;) Thank you so much! Yes it does look a bit like a smoosh, I think!

  3. I have never tried any product that requires gel product. but these looks fun. I loved the over all mani.
    I am glad you are happy and enjoying life. best of luck with the hunt :)

    1. These were fun, and surprisingly easy to apply! Thank you so much for your kind words, Rosy! :)

  4. As I also don`t have experience with gel-like products, applying peel off base first sounds like a good idea :) I love the little bear :)

    1. Oh trust me, Gosia. It saves SO much trouble, especially with the requencey that I am painting! Thank you so much :)

  5. Sorry about your Helmer malfunction! I hope it's OK to link. I store my polish in these clear, stackable drawers: http://www.organizeit.com/crystal-clear-stackable-storage-drawer-small.asp . Unlike the helmer, I can see what's in the drawers and they are fully removable from the stack.

    I have lots of gel, but have never seen one like this. That finish is really unique! You twin bear is just perfect! xo

    1. Of course its ok to link, thank you for being so helpful! This is similar to what I had in Holland but I've opted for furniture this time around - basically if I move out it will help me out that way too, hehe. I'm so excited for it to come and for being able to put them away..and organise them!! Thank you so much for your kind words, Karolyn! :)

  6. What an interesting product. You nail art is adorable too!

  7. That's an adorable mani. And I love the packing of a pot.


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