Neon Glitter Paillette - Beauty Big Bang Review

Allo polish Pals!

I hope you all had an awesome week? What an odd one its been for me. This week I finished up my CV and set to the mission of finding a job, a good time to apply while lots of places are looking for Christmas staff. Actually, things got moving faster than I expected because on Tuesday I have a job internet and rather than the usual nerves I feel more excited than nervous, this job would be ideal for me. Fingers crossed!

Today I am showing you another design from Beauty Big Bang, today we're looking at Neon Glitter Paillette's which I've combined with a 2D bottle and a 3D spoon. Its an odd combination and I wish I had used a different base colour... This was one of those designs where I just couldn't decide on what to pair these decorations with.. You guys can decide what you think.

What's wrong with you, Ithi?! This could have been such a fun design. I don't know why I put it on such a light background but the more I kept playing with these the more confused I became as to what to put it on top. In hindsight I think I would put it on a dark background..maybe a navy. The bottle would have shown up much better,.. Well... It happens.

For this manicure I applied my favourite basecoat, OPI's Nail Envy and once dry added two coats of Barry M's 'Surfboard' which is the most beautiful lilac shade. Next I applied a thin layer of top coat and moved in with my acrylics. I painted the bottle freehand and used a dotting tool to place the neon bits inside the bottle. I tried to create shadows under where I knew I would be applying these also to add more effect.

Overall I am really not sold on this manicure. Eh. Meh. I've had a bit of this going on lately which is a feeling I never really enjoy. Normally it goes as quickly as it came and then I begin painting things I am happier with.

You may cocognise the spoon from a post I did earlier in the year, cream egg nails.

What do you think of this manicure? Do you like neon on your nails?

Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope you have an amazing weekend – let me know any awesome plans you have!

I'll be back again on Monday for some more nail art fun.



  1. I think its fun. I love the idea. I never would have thought of something this creative. The dark base would might have pop up the neon glitter but still I am in love :)

  2. I like the glitter abd the bottle. The spoon is not my thing 😊

    1. Thank you, Gosia! I am not sure anyone should really want spoons on their nails for day to day wear! :')

  3. Good luck with the job hunting and the interview! :-D

    This is truly gorgeous and that spoon is just killer! Love it :-D

    1. Thank you so much, Ananka! I got good news! ;)

  4. I love loose glitters like these. I have a bottle of holographic circle glitters that I use a lot.

    1. Me too, Tizzy. Anything holo is a win in my opinion!

  5. I love this idea! I'm not really a fan of neon colors on my nails, but this looks like something fun to try - during a day at the beach or a picnic with friends. Good luck on your new job, btw!

    1. Than you so much Marie! I think it helps that its not full on neon - neon on the entire nail can be a bit much sometimes so I relate to you there! Thank you so much, it was an interview.. and good news!

  6. That small spoon is so cute, I need to get one of those! I am not a big fan of glitter on nails, but this looks nice.

    1. Hehe I think so too, Courtney! I'm really fussy when it comes to glitter, there are so many different types!

  7. This is so cute and whimsical, it made me smile big time :)
    I'll be keeping my fingers crossed your interview goes great and you'll have a job on Tuesday. And I'll make hubby keep his fingers crossed as well ;)

    1. Aww thank you my lovely! Always good to know you smiled by popping over! I think your crossed fingers had some effect.. I GOT THE JOB!!! Over the moon does not express it! Thank you for your good luck! :)

  8. You always seem to come up with such unique designs, while this look maybe good for show, I don't see how the spoon can be practicality. Although for say fashion show or even photo shoots I can see how this could easily capture the audience.

    1. I do try, Cia, thank you! :) Its totally not practical, this is more of an artistic look than something I'd actually suggest anyone wears. For one thing.. two things are stuck together by the spoon, haha. Needless to say the spoon came off straight after I'd taken my snaps!

  9. So beautiful and the photos are really lovely and look so professional. I have never had my nails done this way but the colours would be perfect for Spring time or a music festival! Amazing work.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Cherie. I am not the best at photography but I try hard to get clear shots. Yes you are totally right, spring time festival would be perfect with these shades!

  10. The dots are adorable. I would really love to try that majestic color. So very pretty!!!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie. I thought the dots were cute too! I think its their colours :)

  11. Wow I really love this cute and amazing nail art. I would love this on my nails, What a brilliant idea!

  12. Love this and that bottle is so beautiful. I think a darker base maybe blackish something with a silver bottle would be nice

    1. Thank you, Pooja, I agree the darker base would have looked pretty too.

  13. I've never been one for the colors your chose, but I love this creative look! Although, I'm not sure I could handle the spoon... I'm often using my hands and it looks like you would be confined a bit.

    1. Oh no, TexanMama, you got these all wrong. These are artistic, you couldn't do your daily tasks like this - life would be too hard! Thank you.

  14. This looks so beautiful and cute. I like the colors you have chosen and the finish is amazing.

  15. I love the idea and the lighter color different for this time of year, but the design is beautiful!

    1. Thank you very much, Ra'Nesha! Yes I guess it is quite refreshing to see lighter shades in Autumn!

  16. Once again, I'm awed by your skill! Love the purple..and that spoon? Adorable.

  17. This mani is so original and well done. Love the pastel shades a lot.

  18. This is too creative... I love it! I need to get more inspired by your nail art!

  19. I like to design the bottle in your nails. I think with nails it will glow in the night.

    1. Thank you so much Minh! Sadly they didn't glow but that would have been a fun idea, I see some inspiration from that!

  20. I hope you didn't have to wash your face with that mini spoon on! It looks gorgeous though~ I like how you created that little glass bottle within your nail, added some magic into the picture~

    1. Thank you so much Tiffany, luckily not! I easily removed the spoon within a couple minutes of taking the pictures, I think I would have had a very difficult day otherwise! Thanks for your kind words!


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