Freehand Windmill Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!

How are you today? I hope you all had a fantastic, fun and productive week?

I wont say too much about what's going on here (yet) but I know the end of the month is going to be really stressful and hectic so I am just going to enjoy the weekend and relax as much as possible.

Today I have some nail art that I've been holding off posting for months. Not for any particular reason, every time I was about to post it review items would arrive or I needed to swap posts around for the weekly challenges on Tiny Canvas. I honestly think I may have painted these in.. March? Jeez! Anyway.. I'll stop talking before its another month until you see it! 

In some ways you could say this is a little tribute to Holland. This country and its people have treated me well since I moved here and it will ever hold a little piece of my heart. Its a beautiful country and I am glad I got to see and live in it.

For this manicure I began with my usual OPI Nail Envy base coat and once dry applied two coats of my Barry M 'White' nail polish.
I again allowed it to dry before applying a thin coat of my Pro-FX top coat and swiftly moved on with my freehand design.

I created an acrylic-gradient using my fave brushes and yellow and blue shades which I think gives it a really sort of.. warm summers morning hazy look, don't you think? I finished off with a coat of my Pro-FX top coat and finally my Barry M matte top coat.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out. I also love the touch of glitter on the grass! Its subtle but I like it.

On another note, something that happened which is kinda cool.. scra2ch featured me on Facebook! 

What do you guys think of this nail art? What is one of your most favourite countries you've visited?

Thank you for taking the time to visit, I hope you have a wonderful day! I'll catch you again on Monday for some more nail art fun.



  1. This is officially the prettiest way I've seen our 'kikkerlandje' depicted. It's beautiful and I can almost hear the seagulls (or maybe that's because they are right outside my window ;)

    1. Thank you so much, Joyce! That is such a sweet compliment! Lovely Kikkerlandje! <3

  2. So beautiful! Your freehand is amazing!! I've always wanted to visit Holland and see all the tulips in bloom, but for now my favorite country is Spain. xo

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! It is a beautiful country, you should certainly put it on your list! :) Spain looks gorgeous, its somewhere I still wish to visit :)

  3. Woooow, gorgeous as always! <3

  4. Very beautiful! :)

  5. This is absolutely gorgeous!! The detail in the windmill is incredible and the misty background with the tulips... I love it all!

  6. So gorgeous. It's looking too cute. Loved It. Thanks for sharing.


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