Freehand 'French-Doodle' Doodle Tipped Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all do'odling today? (That'll make sense if you continue reading this post!)
I hope you are all having great mid-week feelings, there's so much to smile about!

Today's manicure comes straight from my brain and onto my nails! I didn't know if this idea existed so I wanted to give it a go. I'm calling it... ”The French-Doodle”.. or the Froodle??!

What is it, I hear you asking. Well its a typical looking French manicure transformed by the whimsical and artistic touch of doodles! Tada! Hashtag #TRENDING - Probably not but isn't it an unusual design?

For this manicure I used only my OPI Nail Envy base coat, Catrice's 'Karl Says Tres Chic' pink nail polish and my acrylic paints. This one was so fun to do, I didn't have any plans for the doodle part of the design. In hindsight I wish I had added a whole arrange of items into the doodles but hey... I can do that another time!

What do you think of the 'French-Doodle'? Have you seen doodle tips before, does this already have a name?

Have a beautiful day my friends, thank you SO much for visiting. I'll catch you again on Saturday!



  1. You're Froodle is amazing! :) You always have the most original ideas.

    1. Aww thank you so much, Andrea that is a really lovely comment and one that brings a smile to my face! :) <3

  2. Ohh, I LOVE it! I have to agree with Andrea, your ideas are so original and you're so creative ♥

  3. I swear my mobile phone must hate commenting... I saw this manicure pop up while I was waiting for the train (or some other exhilarating activity) and I immediately squeaked it looked great. Looks like my comment was eaten by the interwebz gremlins :(
    Oh well, replay: LOVE IT!!! The colors, the idea, the execution... absolutely love it <3

    1. Oh nooo I am sorry you had so much trouble but it means so much you came back to leave your comment again, thank you!! <3 You are always too sweet! <3

  4. Such a cool design! :D

  5. I love this idea and it turned out great!


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