Color Changing, Peel Off Nail Polish –Pailette Blue To Transparent - Born Pretty Store Review

*This post features an item(s) that was provided for reviewing purposes, however I will as always give my full and honest opinion.
Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? I hope you are well! How has your week been so far?
I'm feeling pretty great at the moment, I finally have some antibiotics for my eyes and while I've only been using it for two days I am hopeful that finally this will sort the problem. I do have blurry vision but I'll work with it!

Other good news: My tickets to England are booked!! You can not begin to imagine how thrilled I am! Then the week I come back to Holland, my sister and her family come to Holland for their holiday and I'll get to meet up with them here! Also some exciting nail collabs going on – things are feeling positive!

Enough of my babble though. Today I have a somewhat interesting review for you... You know I don't lie to you guys, as much as I don't enjoy saying negative things about products I will if I have to... so brace yourselves. This is '6ml Color Changing Peel Off Nail Polish –Pailette Blue To Transparent' from The Born Pretty Store.

In its 'Cold' state.
How it looks at room temperature/warm - 4 COATS. I do not like how it looks on my stained nails.
I'll begin by telling you why I chose this polish. If you know me at all you'll know I am a huge sucker for blue polishes, the idea of trying a blue colour changing polish won me over right away! The bottle is a mini sized 6ml and looks like a beautiful, light icy blue with varying sized holographic hexagon glitter. I couldn't wait to apply it! 
The polish was incredibly sheer – It does say in the title that it is transparent so that's fault on my part for not paying attention! However I really thought it would be more build-able. I am wearing 4-5 coats in these pictures and because my nails are quite stained it is not the most flattering look. I Also found the dry time quite long, I mean..its not overly long but I don't want to spend an afternoon painting four coats to still be able to see my yellow nails, ya get me?

I plodded on, the first layer showed the beautiful sparkles quite nicely. As I went on they sadly became covered in a milky layer. I'm not sure if its just me but I've seen pictures of this polish elsewhere and it didn't look like this..

The transition on my nails from icey water to hot water is really a little disappointing. In other pictures I've seen people's nails to quite a strong blue however mine just seems to get paler and appears like a cakey chalky white. Its a really subtle transition which I wouldn't mind if my nails had more coverage to start with.

I love the idea of this polish and I like the sparkles on the first coat but for any first time thermal shoppers out there I wouldn't recommend this one, you may be looking for a really cool colour change and this one, sadly, is not very dramatic at all.

On the plus side, it certainly does peel off with a little poking. Good, at least I can get it off easy! Apologies for today's pictures and rubbish video, It was so hard to capture for all the reason's listed above. I'm also sorry I promised to show you a thermal when it turns out it wasn't very thermal.

Have you tried any of the 'My Dear' thermal polishes? What do you this of this nail polish?

Have a beautiful day! Come visit again on Friday for some freehand fun!


  1. I tried the pink to transparent one and I struggled with it because of it sheerness. But I have to admit the transition is nice after 4-5 coats :))

  2. I`m sorry, but it doesn`t look like a thermal polish... Maybe if you would use a colour base, it would be better?

  3. I put the pink color as a base and then put the shinning polish above the pink one. It makes me the focus at the party where I also wear my pink Sweet Sixteen Dresses.

  4. Oh that a shame because BPS has some amazing thermal polishes. May be the sheerness is the problem here.I watched the Video on your Instagram and I did see some color change but I cant see the difference in the images :|

  5. Shame it didn't work for you!

  6. Such a shame it's so sheer. I wonder if the thermal trick would trigger when using a dark base underneath.

  7. It's such a shame that polish didn't work out. I love blue polishes too, and a glittery thermal would have been awesome.

  8. What a pretty and delicate manicure dear! Smuack

  9. I love color change nail polish, but too bad this one wasn't great :(

  10. Aha..I can see that feeling of happiness in your babbling! Happy to see that! Have a lovely days ahead! Between that's a nice review! Love that polish! :-)

  11. It does not dry like any other nail polish. Am I missing something here? I bought 20 of these bottles I just love the colors but I am so sad that they don't dry. It wipes right off after 20 minutes of dry time. ����������


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