Countryside Twin Nails With @TheHumbleBear

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today? I hope you are having a great Friday – are you excited for the weekend? I don't have a lot planned, I'll be going to Mr Bravo's 'Nephews first birthday party today. He's such a little cutie! I can barely take my eyes off him whenever I see him – he seems to quite like me too!

I recently had a DM through Instagram from the lovely Beverly (FB fan page: Here) who's IG account is @thehumblebear. She asked me if I would be interested in a collaboration and I jumped at the chance! I really really wanted to collab with her because I love her account and all of her designs. It also turns out that she is in the nail art facebook group I am in, Tiny Canvas (heaven, love this group) so not only have I got to collab with someone talented and fabulous, I've made a friend too! 

The inspiration for our nail art came from a picture Beverly sent me. I was blown away, I love the countryside and any type of scenery art...however when it came to painting it I struggled big time because the picture is longer/taller than it is wider, so while there was a lot to paint up and down the nails it left me with a naked pinky. It was really hard to plan out but it was also a lot of fun.

For my manicure I began with my usual base coat of OPI's 'Nail Envy' and once dry applied two coats of NYC's 'Williamsburg Vintage' and created the rest with my acrylic paints and crappy bamboo brush (no idea how this is still going on) and Edinburgh Realism brush. I am not super happy with my outcome, I feel like it could have been more realistic and I wish I had put the fields in properly. I also did a terrible job with the clean up..sorry.

Williamsburg Vintage'
Williamsburg Vintage'
Williamsburg Vintage'
Williamsburg Vintage'
Beverley's amazing version. I love how on point her colours and design is.
My version... which happens to look nothing like the original, baha.'

 It was a really fun manicure to try and do, it involved a lot of thinking. I really love the outcome of Beverley's manicure and I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know her. Perhaps we can collab again in the future!

If you are not already following the wonderful @thehumblebear go do so! What do you think of our manicures?
Have a beautiful day, I'll catch you on Sunday!



  1. It is amazing and so well painted <3

  2. Wow. Its brilliant. I Loved both of your design. very detailed. Fantastic job :D

    1. Thank you so much! They were challenging but fun to do! :D

  3. Wow, both are amazing! And you have similar, yet different styles.

    1. Thank you, A.notcopyacat! Yes its always so fun to see how different twin nails will turn out! :)

  4. You ladies are outstanding! And I am not able to praise your skills in words! I just am staring at those manis! *_* *_* *_*

  5. both of your versions are amazing!!


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