Unicorn Beach - Freehand Unicorn Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!

How are you doing today? Have you been having a great week so far?
I feel like mine has been pretty awesome, some weeks feel so samey... Today I am back at Mr Bravo's Grandma's house to help around the house and do groceries, yesterday was the first time I went to my brother-in-laws (we say it even though Mr Bravo and I are not married) house to help out - I also had a lovely time seeing the little nephews (You guys know how much I miss my English Niece and Nephew so this was really lovely, I love being around children)...Anyway!

Today I have yet another manicure which I created for the weekly challenge over at Tiny Canvas,
When our wonderful admin, Dani announced the prompt for the week would be unicorns I did a happy little dance inside my head, shoved my yoga mat back in its place and poured the acrylics out over my desk. To say I was excited at creating some more unicorns was an understatement.

For this manicure I began with Barry M's 'White' and from there created evvvverything else with acrylic paint – rubbish information I know. I want to film how I do things like this but I literally can't understand how I would keep my fingers still, or in shot..or being able to see what I'm actually doing. I still need to think about this.

So I don't know why they are on a beach.. I don't know why I went for stars when I started off with a day time sky.. but I am kinda happy with the results. It was another fun one to try and I didn't hate which is always a bonus!

What do you think of my rainbow maned unicorn duo? Are you a member of any nail art communities?

Have a beautiful day, I'll catch you on Sunday! <3 br="">


  1. Hi dear! You've done a great mani! ♡♡♡

  2. It looks like a fairy-tale landed on your nails. The details on the beautiful sky and unicorns are so pretty and amazing, it shows how much you liked to create this!

  3. Adorable!
    You did a great job! ;)


  4. Awesome!! And I know why they're on a beach with a day time sky with stars... they're unicorns so anything can happen :)

  5. Unicooorns, yay! Love them, they're so adorable :)

  6. Oh my my my! Ithi...this mani is soothing my eyes...I am just scrolling up and down and staring at it! Aahhhh-maaziing! <3

  7. So adorable! You have always such a cute ideas for nail arts! :D

  8. This is so lovely :)
    You are truly amazing at freehand nail art :)


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