Freehand Marie From The Aristocats

Allo polish Pals!

How are you doing today, my friend? How is your week so far?
It looks like I'm going to have a much busier week than usual - yay! Tomorrow I will be going to help out at a family members house, it also means I get some extra time with my Dutch nephews who are just the sweetest little boys ever.

Let me ask you a question, what is your favorite Disney animal character?

I don't think I could just pick one, there are so many cute ones! I think they make great ideas for manicures, there are so many characters I want to do from Disney but I don't think I actually have the skillset to paint them all that well - I still don't know how I did the two skunks as I did...I think that was a fluke. I can certainly try though, right?

Today I have Marie from The Aristocats because I thought with her pretty pink bows I could create a very girly and pink themed manicure. I really don't think I did a good job painting her, I think she's incredibly cross eyed and stoopify looking. Maybe its more her right eye that makes it look messed up to me. A try is a try, though!

For this manicure I started with my beloved OPI 'Nail Envy base coat and once dry applied two coats of Hema's 'Happy Pink' which is a super fun looking glitter. I then used my acrylic paints to freehand Marie to the best of my abilities, I add a few paws and 'shine' marks on my remaining nails. I finished it all off with my Pro-FX top coat and then proceeded the mandatory 'what do this look like matte' experiment.

So what do you think?

Do you think it looks like Marie? Have you had Disney inspired nails before?

Have a beautiful day, Catch you on Thursday!


  1. I love this cat! So cute and happy and... so much pink I like :D

  2. Awww...I love her! She's looking so cute. You are having that extra ordinary skill to paint characters. I can't even dare to think about it. You always amaze me with your painting skills.^_^

    1. Thank you so much, Nailfame! You are always the kindest! I don't think I am that good with characters, something always looks a to me, lol. Its still fun to try and you know what they say about practice :D <3

  3. So cute and she definitely looks like Marie.
    She does look a bit cross eyed but if you painted a tiny fly on her nose that would be totally logical ;)

    1. Thank you so much, Joyce! Oh I wish I had thought of that, what a brilliant idea, hah! :D

  4. I don't have a favorite Disney character but I love cute cats and pets on nails. You made an excellent job here Marie looks exactly like the original one form the the Aristocats!

    1. Thank you so much, Andrea, I am a cat fan too :D I think I've made that too obvious in my years of blogging, haha :) <3

  5. Aww! I'm not really into Disney but I love cats!
    This is such a cute manicure, I like it a lot!


  6. These are just amazing! I love all the pink and glitter, and of course your art is perfect. I love cats and Disney, but I have never seen the Aristocats! My favorite Disney animals are Meeko and Flit from Pocahontas :)

  7. Aristocats is one of my all time favorite Disney movies....
    This is a wonderful manicure :)
    So sweet and lovely :)


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