Make Any Polish Holo Holographic Starry/Glitter Foils - Born Pretty Store Review

Allo polish Pals!

How are you doing today? I hope you are having a great week so far? I'm going to be really honest here and say that half of the polishes I see online go on my wish list. If I could afford to I would so easily splurge on holographic polishes from so many companies. You can't imagine how long it is and how many brands are on that list, that's why I never made an actual list... it would unravel like a wizards scroll.

Now the most obvious solution would be to go buy myself a lovely little holo topper but I can't even stretch to that... so when I saw this foil I completely fell in love because its giving me exactly what I want for a fraction of the cost. Of course its not the same, wont last or wear the same as polish and well...its just not a ILNP/Cupcake/Starrily (You get the idea) but it still looks beautiful and satisfies my holo-needs for a while! This is Holographic Starry/Glitter Foils in 132 from The Born Pretty Store.

I'd just like to put it out there that I'm really not a pro at photographing holographic polishes, or holographic... anything. I took these photo's using the flash. I hope that the pictures still look ok.

This beautiful foil comes in a clear plastic container and contains approximately 1 metre in length meaning you get more than enough to have fun times with. The foil itself appears as a clear plastic with holo dotted all the way through it. It is really very delicate looking. Like a fairies handkerchief....huh?

I was really happy with the way these foils applied however my little glue before top coat did not work on these foils and they instantly became cloudy and weird so I used just a clear polish to seal the foils. I also had to have a piece of tester glue to discover which side the holo was on – it was nearly impossible to tell just be looking which side the foil was on but that's not such a problem.

I personally really love this foil. I also wore it with a navy blue however I wasn't able to get pics in the time I had them on. I think the holo looks really pretty. Its not the same as a holo polish but its not a bad substitute, I think this would be going for speedy manicures, something jazzy that doesn't require too much time.

I've got a few more foils to keep me busy; I will be making a foil video in the very near future!

What do you think of this foil? Do you like to wear foils?

Have a gorgeous day, you gorgeous person, you! I'll see you on Friday!


  1. Wow...What a great idea to satisfy that holy holo need! I too love holo polishes but as you said the cost of all those devine beauties are beyond my reach, but you came out with a brilliant idea! Loooveee it! <3

  2. As a holo maniac I cannot say no to anything holo, and my stash is 60% filled with holo polishes XD What I like about this foil is that you get a glittery look with no glitters at all. It's definitely a plus to me, since I hate glitters!
    Love that Barry M you used as a base!

  3. I think it looks great... Maybe not as stunning as some indie holos you mentioned but more versatile since you can play with it over different bases. :) I've only used foils once before and they unfortunately got wrinkly when I applied top coat :(

  4. beautiful holo indeed. I am a sucker for holo polishes


  5. Wow but this mani is a dream!!! *__*

  6. Wow, it looks awesome together <3


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