The City Of Colour - Acrylic Gradient

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today? I've been kinda useless the last couple of days.. feeling so poorly and just having no energy. I've not been able to eat as normal which is not like me! As crazy as it sounds I'm putting it down to January slummage. It may be the start of a new year but its a rough month - many expectations and the gloomy dark weather...

I hope you've been having a great week so far :) If not, just hang on! The weekend is in sight! Today I have a manicure to share with you that I'm totally undecided on.
I don't like it when I don't know how a manicure makes me feel. I want to be able to finish a long manicure and be pleased with myself, I'll let you guys decide.

For this manicure I began with two coats of Barry M's 'White' and began using nearly all the acrylics I own! I started by creating blocked lines of solid colours on all the nails for a truly messy rainbowy mess. I then went back and mixed more paint to sort of blend the colours together. Ie I mixed my red and orange to create a sort of in between shade to blend out the solid line of red and orange.I then took my black paint and tried to create some building silhouettes and added a few stars.
I finished it all of with Barry M's top coat.

Mr Bravo questioned why I left the windows as they were... Now that he's said that this manicure really bugs me. I wanted to have the rainbow visible all the way down the nail but I should have made the windows white or light yellow and have the rainbow showing between the building.

What do you think of my city of colour? Have you created an acrylic gradient before?

Have a lovely day!


  1. OMG!! This is an ART!! The colour transitions in the rainbow sky is so smooth and beautiful!! I adore your hand painting skills :) <3 xxx

  2. Great idea with these acrylic rainbows, I have to do something similar some day. If you hadn't said about these windows, I wouldn't have even noticed - great mani!

  3. Love it! I super love the colors used for it looks so festive and happy to see. Great choice and great job!

  4. Great idea but now that you've mentioned the windows I can see what you mean. My eyes keep getting drawn there instead of to the rainbow...

  5. Hope you'll feel better soon! I know this manicure cheered me up at least :)

  6. It looks very cool! :)

  7. this is so pretty! Reminds me of NYC :)

  8. This is a wonderful gradient and mani!


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