Take Me Down To London Town - Freehand

Allo polish Pals!
How are you doing today? Tell me one random thing about your day! Well happy mid week to you all, I hope your week has been going great. Today I have a manicure I actually created while still in England (I pumped out a few!) once again inspired by *this pin* on Pinterest! I really wanted to create this on my nails so I took on the challenge!! It also helps that I really love London. I lived there for a month (can you call a month living somewhere?) while I did my make up training and had such a good time. I've also got to visit London many times, with college to go see the Tate Museum and when I was younger me and my family had a few short breaks there.

I'm really not very happy with how this manicure turned out. This could be so much better. I particularly hate the red bus - it was the last thing I did on this manicure and maybe my moral was down... Anyhoo! I dunno, I like seeing what you guys think of my stuff because sometimes I am just too critical. I just think there are too many wobbly lines.. I was really happy with it until I saw the pictures, ugh. That's just the worst!

For this manicure I began two coats of Sinful Colors 'Easy Going' and created a gradient using Rimmel's 'Bestival Blue'. Everything else was created using my Oumaxi paints and my bamboo brush. I smoothed it all out with my Catrice top coat.

What do you think of my London nails? Have you created location nails before, what location did you do?

Have a beautiful day!


  1. i like them! the look really cool!

  2. wow, very artistic and unique dear Ithi :)- I like it very much :D

  3. It turned out wonderful! One would have to be blind to not guess the city! :)
    A random fact about my day... I am going to wear a new watch today :) Little treats!

    1. Thank you Stadtwaldvogel! I guess it was pretty obvious not to be able to guess this! I am thinking that knowing you it is a very beautiful and elegant looking watch! Treats? You deserve to spoil yourself :) xx

  4. It's gorgeous, I love this London mani, even if I hadn't seen it's name - I would instantly have thought of London!

    1. Thank you Maria! I am so glad you were able to guess it was London - I guess some of the things are obvious but it also makes me think I must have got something right! :D xx

  5. This is so beautiful Ithi! Love it :)

  6. You don't stop to amaze me with your nail art! This London mani is quite special! So, just be happy with these results, because they are great!
    A random thing about my day: it is extremely hot and I wish vacation would start sooner! :)) Have a great day!

    1. Thank you so much, Andrea! You are always so sweet about my nail art :) It is very hot here in Holland also, we need a swimming pool in the garden! I hope you will have a great vacation :) xx

  7. So beautiful nail art! A random thing about my day, well I just went out to get the mail in our mailbox...like I do every weekday...:-)

    1. Many thanks Ann-Sofie! Wow it sounds like your mail arrives quite late in the day! It can be such random timing here in Holland! xx

  8. Cool!!! I super love the colors that you have used and the design is simply amazing as well. Great job!!!

  9. bravo Ithi, very nice work! i love contarst effect with red bus ! amazing amazing

    1. Thank you so much, Bubica! It was very fun to paint :D xx

  10. wow is this freehand! how beautiful :)
    I can't believe this, your nails look so perfect ;)

    1. Thank you so much Julia! Yes it was entirely freehand :) You are too kind <3 xx

  11. It's amazing! *__*
    It's such a pleasure to see your free hand works! :D

    1. Thank you so much Ninthea, you really are the sweetest :) <3

  12. Wow, stunning! I'm impressed :)

  13. These are perfect! LOOOVE THEM 🎡

  14. it's amazing!!! Regards, Natasha

  15. when I first saw this I really thought you had stamped it! Don't be so hard on yourself :)


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