Colourful Creative Chaos - Splatter Nails!

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? Again I have to thank you for all your kind messages; Yesterday was such an up and down day for me. A lovely thing was that yesterday I helped look after my Niece who is 4 and my Nephew who is 1. My niece awarded me with two stickers for being so good at counting and for sitting nicely! There was also a gold medal involved! I also had to go on the trampoline which she promised me wasn't wet... I got wet socks. And we made some delicious mud cakes (really, decorated with stones and leaves) which I wont be able to eat until five years time since apparently that's how long they take in the 'oven'  ~ Phew, a lucky escape from eating mud and worms! 

Today I am in the mood for a little creative and colourful chaos today, so lets have some splatter nails! If you look at my thumb it looks like it has a little ribbon amongst the mess!

For this manicure I began with two coats of Catrice's 'A Gallon Of Melon' on all my nails excluding my ring finger and alternated splats of Barry M's 'Damson' and Catrice's '(S)wimbledon'. On my ring finger I created a really random ruffian nail with the two colours.

I'm not sure why I went for a ruffian... I was actually intending to use studs or something to jazz it up a little but I still think that little bit of conformity looks nice amongst the platter chaos! This is only my second time doing splatter nail art but I love playing with colours. I'm just not a fan of the mess that comes with it! I do however love this unusual colour combination!

What do you think of this trio of colours combined with splatter? Have you ever created splatter nails?

Have a great day!


  1. I have never tried this but I love a final effect- amazing Ithi :)

    1. Thank you, Fife! I think you should give it a go, it looks great in so many colours! :) xx

  2. Such a fun and cool mani! I like it. :-)

  3. Gorgeous mani, really love it. Colour and bright :-D

    1. Thank you Ananka! I really wanted something that 'popped'! :) xx

  4. Sounds like you are having a really fun time :) I love you nails! The splats are perfect and I love how fun this is!

    1. Thank you LittleMonster - I am, its great to be home with my family! It was fun to make but incredibly messy! xx

  5. It looks great, the splatter! And what lovely colours!

  6. I love this splatter, great job!

  7. Glad to hear you had fun with your niece and nephew! I really like the colors together! I've never tried splatter nails I'm too scared of the mess... I'll probably splatter my wall or something I'm really accident prone hahaha

    - Stephanie


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