Bold Contemporary Lines - Water Decals

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? Are you up to anything interesting? Recently when I redeemed my points at The Born Pretty Store I selected a couple of their $0.99 mystery bags that contain three items. In one of these little bags I received some delicate white stickers, striping tape and some unusual water decals. I tried to find the decals in the store but it doesn't seem that they are available currently.
I really like this design because to me it seems like a mixture of contemporary and traditional patterns. I also think, and I am not sure why... that it reminds me of Japan some how! ~ So while this isn't a formal review it's still fun to share!

I love the mixture of delicate patterns with the strong bold lines on these decals. The blue pattern came on both sides of the decal with the black lines in the center so I decided to feature the pattern on my tips to achieve a little of both patterns. The decals were actually transparent so I began with a black base.

What do you think of these unusual decals? Do you like the mixture of bold and delicate patterns?

Have a great day!


  1. Ooh yes I love the black and white pattern in contrast with the red and blue!!

    1. Thank you, Robin! I think the tips look super cute with the bold and simple nails! xx

  2. Interesting mixture of patterns. The contrast between the colors draw the eye. I am sure you've got a lot of compliments for this one! I never bough a mystery bag, but in the future I will!

    1. I agree, Manases! They are indeed very eye catching! I wasn't sure about it to start with but it really grew on me, I would even want to recreate something like this with acrylics now :) The bags I got were great - I had three but two of them were the same. That doesn't really bother me too much though as I liked all the items :) xx

  3. Very unusual! I think they look a little like oriental mosaics.

    1. I think your right, Stadwaldvogel! I was thinking it reminded me of something oriental too! xx

  4. Unusual ones indeed, but I liked the look! :)

  5. Amazing decals! I find them very original, plus the colors are really nice.

  6. Looks very interesting! :)

  7. I just can not believe how pretty and stunning this looks! I love all your manicures but I think that this one is really one of my favorite manicures that you made so far, Love the color combinations!
    Looking forward to see your next post ;)
    xx Julia

  8. I like how you chose a black base to show through it looks very bold! :)


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