Purple Stars With A Green Crush - Freehand

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? Tell me something random and interesting about your day! Today I have a design based over a textured polish. It seemed like a good idea, sometimes I am not too fond of textured polish but I love how they glisten and shine once they are smothered with top coat. That was the aim of this manicure, a really glitzy base with a freehand design. I just didn't expect to have as much trouble smoothing out the edges as I had planned!

For this manicure I used three coats of Rimmel's 'Fizzy Applicious' and smoothed over with two layers of top coat. I then used my trusty bamboo brush to create some light purple swirls and stars.
That it really... Pretty simple! I really like how the design looks like it is above a layer of glass – at least that's how it looks in person so I hope you can see that too.

Have you created nail art with a textured polish? Do you prefer the feel of textured or do you like to smooth them down too?

Have a great day!


  1. i like the colors you used! great job with the freehand design too! i love textured polishes!! I've stamped over textured polishes before and I like the way it looks with the texture and stamping but i find the stamping rubs off after a day or so since it's not sealed in with top coat :(

    1. Thank you so much, Lovestruck! I've never tried stamping over a textured polish - what a brilliant idea! I will have to try it one day! I guess its hard to compromise the texture over keeping the pattern on longer :( xx

  2. This is beautiful! I can see the "glass effect" you mentioned, very pretty :)

  3. Look oriental! I used to love the feel of textured polish but after one season I lost interest ;)
    Today I am trying some flower nail art :)

    1. Goodluck with your flowers, I can't wait to see how they turned out! I'm not a huge fan of them either really.. unless like this I smother them with top coat to get a sparkle.. ;) xx

  4. I am a big textured polish fan, but I usually don't paint ore stamp on it because I never manage to make something that looks good. So, I am just looking at your work and I am amazed how well it looks! Great polish combination!
    As about my day...until now it was suuuuper boring and stressful :(

    1. I really had to lay the top coat to smooth it out enough to paint on top, My preferred top coat right now is Catrice's new one but I was a little short right here otherwise it would have been so slick! Thank you so much for your kind words, Manases! I hope your day got better. Whenever I have a crappy day I tell myself the next one will be 10x better to make up for it! xx

  5. such a lovely nail art! it looks so simple when you discribe it, but the nails outline is a nightmare to achieve, gosh knows when I try I only get a hot mess, and you do it so naturally flawless!

    1. Thank you so much, Natalia! I found it quite simple but I love to freehand paint and I think the type of brush you use can make a huge different. I am much more comfortable to do things like this now I have found the right brush for me. I also tried freehand lines the other day and I have found that sometimes making a dash outline to start is easier then going full pelt at a line! Think of it like dot to dots! :) xx

  6. Cute design. :3
    Once I have tries to apply a top coat over a texture nail polish but the surface wasn't very smooth... maybe I should apply more layers of top coat...

    1. Thank you so much, Ninthea! If you have a gel-like top coat you may find it helps to really smooth out your base! :) xx

  7. These are so, so pretty! Can't believe how incredible your outline looks! Wow!

    1. Thank you so much, Mina! You are so kind :) xx

  8. These are so beautiful! Very dream-like :)

    1. Thank you, LittleM! I am glad you think so! <3 xx

  9. I like it, very well painted :)


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