Water Drop Water Decals - The Born Pretty Store Review

*This item was sent to me to review but as always will contain my full and honest opinion.

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I hope you will have a beautiful weekend! I'm on my own today and I'm planning a mammoth spring clean. I actually don't mind tidying and cleaning as longs as there is music playing :) Today I have some 'Full print water patterned water decals' from The Born Pretty Store to share with you – Please excuse the insane creasing, I had a slight nail fail...

When I saw these decals I just fell in love with their pattern. As you guys know, I have a huge soft spot for anything blue and blue with any colour! These decals come on a sheet and have the standard 'dunk in water and apply' method of application. The sheet included 14 decals with varying sizes. I found the decal sizes to be really good, sometimes I need to trim decals to fit the nail bed but these reached from side to side beautifully.

Now.. On to that thumb nail. You know I am no stranger to water decals so I am not entirely sure what happened, I at least didn't expect to look as bad as it did in the final photo's. I recommend this pattern and design on shorter nails or those who are very confident in applying water decals as the creases will show quite strongly with these colours. I do really love the pattern but I just don't think they suit my nails. I have had many decals from The Born Pretty Store – there was absolutely nothing wrong with these decals only my application!

What do you think of these water drop water decals? Do you experience creasing with decals?

Have a great day!


  1. you created amazing mani Ithi. These decals are really pretty :)

  2. Pretty decals. I like them :-)

  3. The design is nice. :)
    I have never tried the full length nail water decal so I don't have much experience with them... I have only the single design water decal and with them I haven't had any problem with creases...

  4. I had really bad creasing with Joe fresh nail appliqués (not water decals) I've used born pretty store water decals before and didn't have an issue with creasing :) the pattern is quite nice!

  5. I had really bad creasing with Joe fresh nail appliqués (not water decals) I've used born pretty store water decals before and didn't have an issue with creasing :) the pattern is quite nice!

  6. Oh how interesting. Never even heard of water drop decals before this post.

  7. your nails look soo pretty! Love them :)

  8. i love the colors! so pretty!


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