Autism Awareness Month With Support Of TheFinderThings

*This item was sent to me to review but as always will contain my full and honest opinion.

Allo polish Pals
How are you today? I hope your having a better start to the week then I am, weird things are going on again and I woke up with my other eye almost completely swelled shut. I'm really quite a vision of beauty the moment...

Today I am sharing a manicure with you that celebrates a great awareness cause and that has the support of my friends at TheFinderThings. Since I first met TheFinderThings I was instantly impressed that they carry all sorts of awareness and support decals in their store. I love that they are using their knowledge and expertise to make a simple to use decal into something that can help educate others with awareness causes. You know just as well as I do, that for us our nails are often a talking point amongst our friends, family and the nail art community, so even wearing these decals can help spread the word. You can find their full range of support decals right Here. This is quite a long post so please click the 'read more' link below.

Did you know that April 2nd was Autism awareness day and that the month of April is Autism awareness month? Autism awareness month helps to promote acceptance and inclusion in schools and in general society for those with Autism. It is here to teach us and educate us how best to offer our care, support and understanding. I'm guilty in my knowledge that I don't know as much about autism as I should – this is why raising awareness is so important, so that we can all have better understanding.

“Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disability; signs typically appear during early childhood and affect a person’s ability to communicate, and interact with others.”

It is thanks to the organizations that information is readily available so that we have the tools required to educate ourselves. I found this website, which is packed full of useful information. It is easy to assume someone with a disorder will act or behave all the same but that's just not true, every individual is different and all require their own forms of support - which ever they find works best for them. Everybody deserves acceptance.

How The Decal Sheet looks - so many!
For this manicure I used *these* decals from TheFinderThings. The decals come on a large sheet contain three sizes; Large, medium and small. I love the design of these decals because they feature the Autism awareness logo of puzzle pieces in the form of a very cute and loving heart shape with a single cut out puzzle piece. The method of application is so easy, no water required. Simple peel off your chosen decal and apply straight on to your nails. Simple!

I used three coats of Hema's #29 and once dry I added my decals on top; To add a little extra colour I used some glue and added Layla's Caviar beads around the nails (I do not want to see another caviar bead for a few months, It was pretty fiddly!)

Don't forget you can also find TheFinderThings on Facebook, Twitter and Google+

What do you think of these awareness decals? Have you supported any awareness causes by showing it on your nails?

Have a great, my friends.


  1. wow, i wouldn't have the patience to apply all these beads! well done, i like it!

  2. wow, i wouldn't have the patience to apply all these beads! well done, i like it!

  3. Wow I love the way you are creating awarness for autism!
    the outlining of this manicure is so unique! Love it!

  4. These decals are amazing and I love that you added the beads around your nails. One cause that I am passionate about is Autism Awareness :)

  5. Nice nail art! I haven't done any supporting for causes of any kind. But I like to see it on others.

  6. Great decals and I absolutely love your interpretation for this cause!
    I am sorry about your eye, I hope it get's better soon!

  7. This is a very sweet design Ithi!! And it is such a clever idea to use the puzzle design to show acceptance and connection :) Beautifully done!!

  8. I try to support a lot of things through my designs, it's a great and creative way of showing how much you care about others <3 Lovely design and what a fun twist with the beads <3

  9. Oh my, you were so patient with all those beads!

  10. You've done a great job here! what a lovely manicure for such a noble cause! I like it when companies support causes like this one, it makes us all more aware.
    (btw, the beads placing really rocks!:)

  11. Oh much time did you spend placing the caviar?

    1. Zomg you have no idea...I'd have a good line of them going (working like 1-2cm at a time) and then the last one would almost pull that line off! I told ya I don't wanna see any caviar beads for a fair while, haha. And to make it worse Mr Bravo's parents kept seeing me lick the tip of the dotter to get the bead to stick. So if they thought I was weird already... :')


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