Happy Easter! - Freehand Lionhead, Lop Eared Bunny!

Allo polish Pals!
Happy Easter to you all! Are you doing anything to celebrate today, or are you just enjoying a long weekend? We wont be doing much here but it will be nice to have everyone home for an extra day. I hope you will all have a lovely time! So of course, I have to show you something Easter related don't I? I'm hoping you guys will like this manicure, I was told my bunny looks evil... I don't see the evil and I hope that cute prevails over evil.

I only used two polishes for this manicure, Barry M's 'Mist' and Catrice's '(S)wimbledon', I created everything else with my Oumaxi acrylic paints and favorite bamboo brush from the Born Pretty Store (I actually just picked up two more of these since they are amazing and only sell for 0.99cents at the moment) Perhaps the grass and eggs could have looked a little better but I am quite happy with the turn out of this manicure.

Have you had an Easter inspired manicure before? What do you think of my lop eared/lion head bunny – cute or evil?

Hope you all have a great holiday!


  1. i love how detailed and fuzzy your bunny is! Amazing!

    1. Thank you so much, Little M! I wanted him to be super hugable! xx

  2. Lovely nail art sweetie, the bunny looks so cute, not evil at all :D <3 Happy Easter :D :*

    1. Thank you so much, Glee Tree! I'm glad you don't think it looks evil :D I hope you had a great Easter! xx

  3. Your bunny looks cute, not evil :D

  4. Soooo cute easter nail art! The bunny is so cute and fluffy! I hope you had a lovely easter, we had a wonderful time with our family, eating way too much candy and cake. :-)

  5. Awww the bunny is so cuddly and fluffy ^w^
    I don't think it looks evil.


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