The Flower Girl - Freehand Design

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I hope your having a better start to the week than I am! Our beloved but tiring puppy Luna kept me awake nearly all night, in the end I gave up trying to sleep, did some fitness and now I am chilling with a nice cup of lemon green tea. Today I am going to show you a manicure I created yesterday, I'm loving playing with acrylics at the moment. I've still got a lot of learning to do but the journey is fun! I call her... The flower girl!

I began with two coats of Barry M's 'Heather' from the Silk Collection – a really nice smooth base for laying down acrylics. I then used my favourite detailing bamboo brush and started to paint her. I used Barry M's 'Blackberry' and Jacava's 'Chillax' for her eyes. I finished it off with two coats of Barry M's top coat and a few studs to accentuate her flowers.

I think this came out better than I had first expected. If I could change anything I wish her hair on the other nails looked a little neater. But she doesn't care, she likes her wild hair.

What do you think of my flower girl? Do you get excited to try manicure ideas that you find challenging?

Have a great day!


  1. This is super pretty Ithi!! I love everything about this, her face and her eyes are so pretty! I also love that you added those pops of colour with the blue :)

  2. Wow amazing! Great post dear :) xxx

  3. Just play more often with the acrylic colors because the results are always stunning!
    My week started kind the same way as yours, but in my case my daughter coughed all night long, she is having a cold and couldn't I kept her company, like a great mother :)), and now I am mega tired. Have a great day and just keep coming with these fabulous nail art!

  4. Wow this is amazing! I love the flowers in the hair :). I hope Luna doesn't keep you up tonight.

  5. An amazing nail art by you again! I don't know hod you do it, but it's beautiful!

  6. Looks so nice! :)

  7. Whoa, that's amazing! You're good!!!

  8. this is exquisite my dear Ithi!

  9. wow, this looks awesome, thumbs up dear <3

  10. Amazing =] She's so cute.

  11. OH MY GOD your freehand skills make me want to throw myself out the window! Stunning, stunning! <3

  12. This looks really amazing! Seriously great skills. Love it :-D

  13. REally gorgeous! look at all those details! I am in awe at your talent Ithi :)

  14. Lovely! I think that the hair looks great!! :D

  15. This is so gorgeous, she looks superb!

  16. wow, it's so beautiful! I am in love with this nail art! Regards, Natasha


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