Swimmin' With The Fish - Freehand

Allo Polish Pals!
How are you today? I hope you are having a great weekend! I wasn't intending to post today but then I couldn't help myself. About a year or so ago I stumbled upon this beautiful picture on pinterest (By the way, I keep a lot of pictures on this board with interesting colour combinations/designs, I thought some people might get inspiration from them!) I knew as soon as I saw it I wanted to somehow get it onto my nails. Finally, after much trouble and failure I gave up...But today I faced the fear and decided to try again.

This manicure is so super sparkly in person. I hope you can sort of see that from my pictures. My camera can be a bit of a douche (Sorry, there's no better word for its behaviour!)

I started by using two coats of Dorothy L's ' Diamond Colors '207. I then used a sandwich bag to dab on Rimmel's 'Midnight Rendezvous' and Color Club's 'Cold Metal'. I then added a small amount of Zoya's 'Maisy' in certain areas and add a dab of OPI's sheer tint polishes in 'I Can Teal You Like Me' and 'Don't Violet Me Down'. Once this was dry I then used my Oumaxi paints to create two fish.

The fish on my thumb came first, I think it shows; I'm not too happy with him. By the second fish I was feeling more confident. Its certainly not perfect but I am glad that after wanting to do this manicure for so long I accomplished it. I just wish you could enjoy the sparkle as much as me when I glance at my nails.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you all ASAP. I'm really intrigued to know what you think of this one!

Have a great evening,


  1. Awww these are so cute =] good job!

  2. I really love it, Ithi- you are so talented my dear friend :)

  3. great job painting the fish freehand! aaaw ya i hate it when a manicure looks really great in real life but then just won't photograph well... and then looks just ok on your blog :(

  4. Beautiful nail art!! and I also like the image that inspired you! ;3

  5. I can imagine that this is super sparkly! It's such a nice manicure :) I really like both fishes (also the one on the thumb).

  6. Such a cute fish mani! I reall like it.


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