Follow The Magical Butterflies... Freehand.

Allo polish Pals!
How are you doing today? I can't believe its almost Friday again – it even feels like I say that with every post, haha. Today I have another freehand attempt for you. The inspiration actually came from *this* pin on Pinterest– I like the idea of following these butterflies to a secret garden. It's perfectly warm, there is an assortment of tea on the table to help your self to. There's probably a little natural pool which is the perfect temperature. If this was my secret garden that what it would have. And probably WIFI and tons of cats. Anyway...

I'm not overly confident with how this came out despite the fact it took me a good few hours. My back was killing me by the end! I only used one polish for this manicure, Model's Own 'Utopia'. Everything else was create with Oumaxi acrylic paints. It's not quite as elegant was I wanted it and if I am honest... I could really do with a decent top coat that would help smooth out my finished result but its just not in my pocket money allowance right now! Too bad.

What do you think of my butterfly and wicker-type trail? Have you tried freehand butterflies before?

Have a great day!


  1. I actually did some free hand butterflies...but they looked a lot more cartoon-ish than yours.
    I honestly love this manicure...and I hope you'll learn to love it too.

  2. It looks so good and fresh ;) Now i cant wait for summer!

  3. Wow how can you draw so perfect butterflies?! It's gorgeous! :-)

  4. Such a cute manicure! Your freehand skills are amazing :)

  5. Amazing job! Love the design =]

  6. This is so beautiful! Your rainbow butterflies are perfect :) My secret garden would have wifi and lots of cat too :-P

  7. I like those tiny colorful butterflies. :D

  8. This is awesome! I looove it so much!

  9. Such an artist, this looks like a painting <3

  10. Wow! These butterflies are so beautiful!! You must have very steady hands to be able to draw such smooth lines!! :D

  11. I think it looks amazing! You're so talented at free handing!
    If you can find Essence anywhere in your area, they have a super cheap top coat called xxxl shine, gel like and has pink writing on it, I love it!

  12. Great job on the freehand butterflies! I love all the colors you used and the trail too :)

  13. This is a LOVELY manicure! I can totally picture yuor secret garden ♥
    I think is one of the best designs with acrylics you've done!


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