HD Nails: #20 Swatch & Review ★★★/5

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I have a question for YOU. Do you ever get nail art ideas at night? Last night I might of got just shy of two hours sleep but while I was unwillingly awake...BAM! I had idea's coming out all over the place. I actually had to get my phone and write them down! I'm looking forward to trying some of the idea's out tonight.

How is your weather where you are? - Do you feel those winter nights pulling in already? Holland seems to be getting quite a bit colder now so I decided for today's post I'd look into my archive of swatches and I found something to brighten and warm us all up!
This is HD Nail Polish #20, one of the polishes my Mum picked up for me while she was in Greece.

Colour ~ #20 is a gorgeous bright sunshine yellow. If I had to name this polish (just because numbers instead of names make me a little sad) then how about 'What's Up Buttercup?'.

Application ~ Application is actually great with this polish, it has a medium sized flat brush which meant it applied very neatly. I applied three coats, on the first coat it was a little uneven which also happened on the second coat. By the third coat it had completely self levelled and with a top coat left a beautiful flawless look - However... the dry time was perhaps the only let down. Because you need to layer this polish it can become quite tacky and time consuming to dry completely. Patience needed!

Texture ~ The texture of this polish is quite thick which means be steady of how much your carrying on the brush but if you do that you'll end up with a really beautiful glossy finish.

★★★/5 Now... I absolutely love this shade, it makes me really happy to wear this on my nails. If your a huge fan of yellow polishes and you don't mind waiting around for some dry time action to happen then I do recommend this. I would say it is worth it but its not for those who want to paint and go.

What do you think of this eye catching yellow? Do you prefer to go for pastel yellows or bright yellows?

Have a lovely evening my beauties!


  1. This colour looks so great Ithi! Absolutely perfect for cheering people up in this weather! It's getting cold in Belgium here too, and it gets dark so quickly! I'm not used to having to turn on the lights at 4.30 pm already :( Hehe I get some of my best nail art ideas at night or when I'm doing something completely unrelated to nail art!

    1. Thank you, Robin! I agree that it is bright and cheery, sometimes I need some brights to make me feel warmer and happier, I hate being cold! I know what you mean about having the lights on early - it just doesn't feel right! That's normally how I measure whether or not it is winter yet, haha! I'm glad its not just me who gets inspiration at random times! xx

  2. amazing shade Ithi almost a beautiful sunshine on your nails :)
    I cant wait to see some of your night's ideas :)

    1. Yes, Fife!! I think if you could bottle sunshine this would be the result! I hope the ideas translate as well to nails as I hope! Sometimes my ideas are good in my head but just don't work out! xx

  3. just simply i love it ! i have never had shade like this, but i would like! mama mia ! i love when you wear it ..hi hi ..no more too dark nails ! yopeeee

    1. Thank you so much, Bubica! I love this shade too, just a shame about the drying time. I think everyone needs a sunshine yellow in their collection! Even if they don't wear it often its a nice addition for bright moments! :) xx

  4. Well I can wait some minutes before my nails have dried :) I love this shade and I think the color looks just beautiful ;)

    1. Hi Julia! That's great! I think if you have the patience for it then it is a great polish! Just not so good for on the go! I think it is beautiful too :) xx

  5. Looks wonderful on your nails! It is fun to see for a change a bright striking color, because now days everybody uses the dark ones. So, you brought the sunshine back in this freezing day!

    1. Thank you so much, Manases! I know what you mean about people using dark polish for fall - I think that's why this one finally got swatched! I do like darker shades but I always need a break in between with some brights! I'm glad I warmed up your pc screen! xx

  6. What pretty color. It looks great :)

    1. Thank you, Claudia! I like this one too! :) xx

  7. This is a bright yellow! You have to be bold to wear it :) I prefer pastel yellows for myself. Or maybe neon yellow with shimmer for summer.

    1. Haha, Yes Stadtwaldvogel, I think you are right! Its certainly not for the shy polish wearers. Neon yellow with shimmer sounds beautiful.. I'm a huge fan of China Glaze's 'Sunshine Pop!' which has a delicate shimmer, I think that a slight shimmer can make a yellow just a bit more wearable! xx

  8. what a bright and beautiful yellow! that;s great that you have been so inspired. I have been having nail artists block lately :(

    1. Don't worry, Jacquie! You will get your manicure mojo back! I lose mine sometimes an it drives me crazy but then all the ideas come at once! Sometimes I find pinterest helps so much! xx

  9. Lol I can say that's never happened to me ;-) But I do get ideas about other things! Weather in Scotland is actually okay for this time of year - kinda cold but not bad!! Lacking sun though - so no holo wearing for me :-(

    This is a really pretty yellow - looks great on you :-D

    1. I have a hard time switching my brain off sometimes! I'm glad your weather is holding up at the moment. I always imagine Scotland to be quite cold - It's somewhere I want to visit one day because it looks so beautiful! That is a sad face about the lack of Holo's :( Thank you for your kind words! xx


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