Whimsical Water Colour

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? Are you ready for the weekend? What fun things do you have planned? I'm looking forward to my phone call night – Fridays are my weekly catch up night with my sister which is always nice. I think I'll be having a swatchy-kind of weekend too so I have plenty of posts to share with you once I am in England! Today I have a water colour manicure to show you. I was actually inspired by HGNailDesign so please be sure to check out her blog, she has a wonderful tutorial for 'Bokeh' nail art. This was my first time using watered down acrylics and I really loved the out come!

On all my nails I began with two coats of Barry M's 'Pearl' (My favourite white with a silk finish)
Once this was dry I began to dab on some very watery acrylic paint with a cotton bud. I then used a wet cotton bud to go back over the colour which left a very pretty whimsical coloured pattern. I then decided I need more! More, more, more! I added a half border to my nails with black and added some dots and alternated with purple and aqua gems. I finished it all off with a top coat.

What do you think of this manicure? Have you tried the water colour technique before?

Have a fantastic weekend, my friends!


  1. fabulous effect Ithi, I like it very much. I am sure I will try to create this design:)
    Have a nice weekend too <3

  2. This looks really nice and I like the colours :-)

  3. Such a fantastic and beautiful manicure. <3 <3 <3 I haven't tried the water color technique before.

    1. Thank you so much, Anne-Sofie! Its actually really easy to do, I really enjoyed playing around with the paint! xx

  4. I love those blue details, your nails look great ;)
    I've never seen anything like this before <3

    Have a nice week!
    Xx julia

    1. Thank you so much, Julia!
      It was a very quick and easy manicure and I will certainly be trying this technique again in the future! Hope you have a good weekend! xx

  5. This is so beautiful, and I love the colors that you chose!

  6. First for all thank you for shout out (: I really love your creation, the effect is beautiful and the touch of gems Its a cheery on the top ;) gorgeous :D

    1. You are welcome, Of course lots of credit goes to you for your tutorial and for being the source of my inspiration! I am so glad you like it! xx

  7. Thank you so much, Margriet! <3 xx


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