China Glaze: Blue Sparrow Swatch & Review ★★★★★/5

Allo polish Pals!
How are you today? I can't believe how fast the weeks are flying, can you? This week marks the 2nd year of Ithinity Beauty, I've been blogging for almost two years! Crazy but I guess they say time flies when your having fun! Be warned, there will be some suitable nail art coming up!!
Today I have a swatch and review of a polish I consider to be controversial (based on my research, anyway!) Here is China Glaze's 'Blue Sparrow'.

Before Top Coat.
Colour ~ Blue sparrow is a medium blue laced with light blue flecks – Now here is where it gets interesting. Before applying my top coat Blue Sparrow appears as a very dull and matte blue, the blue glitter flecks are hardly apparent. Once I apply my top coat the polish comes to life – the blue flecks 'pop' and it give the polish an overall lighter look.

Application ~ Application is pretty sweet, I have no real issues with application and I find the dry time to be pretty fast.

Texture ~ As I mentioned earlier, this polish does appear to be more of a textured polish until you bring on the top coat, I only applied one layer of top coat but I know from past experiences that if you apply two you end up with a really flawless and glossy finish – You would never have guessed the appearance before and after top coat to be the same polish.

★★★★★/5 I'm a huge blue fan as you know and I'm really glad I bought this polish. I read reviews about the polish being ugly and dull, not at all how the bottle looks but if your patient and keep with the top coat you will have a really stunning blue. I highly recommend this polish for true blue fans.

What do you think of this blue? How do you feel about polishes looking entirely different once you've added your top coat?

Have a great evening!


  1. I think, it is amazing shade, especially after applying top coat.
    Great review Ithi :)

  2. Happy 2nd birthday :-D

    I really like it and I do like it with both the top coat and without. I usually like to wear the polish as it comes - so if it's matte I'll wear it like that! :-)

  3. Happy anniversary dear Ithi ! wish you more post and nice pics ...
    i♥Luna :)

  4. I like the effect of this wonderful polish in both ways, with and without the top coat!
    Happy blog anniversary and I wish you many, many more and a lot of achievements!

  5. Looks great! I don't mind different looks on the polish with- n without tc. Both effects can look good depending on the mood or what nail art which is in focus.

  6. So cool that you've soon been blogging for 2 years! :-)
    This polish is a cutie. :-)

  7. The blue is fabulous! I wouldn't wear it without topcoat. For me it is not a minus if a polish requires topcoat, I apply topcoat over every single manicure anyway.

  8. happy blogaversary! this is a really nice blue :)

  9. Gorgeous and happy blogaversary!

    1. I agree your nails look great!
      And happy anniversary ;)
      I hope you'll continue making nail arts for us ;)



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