First Attempt At Acrylic One Stroke Flowers.

Allo polish Pals,
How ya doing? Hope your having a good start to the week. I have to be honest and admit I've been dreading this week a little... ehh This weekend Mr Bravo leaves for the Czech Republic’s open darts tournament which is fantastic and I know he will do so well (again) but the idea of him being gone for a few nights (The most we've been apart since I moved to Holland) is already making me itch. That said I always support him when it comes to dart :) Last week I took out my acrylic paints and tried something new... 'One Stroke Flowers' ~ you can find that on youtube. I'm not overly happy with my results and the lighting for the pictures was rough but here we go!

So I started with two coats of China Glaze 'Infra-red' which I will have to show you again another time as its a subtle beautiful holo. I then took my acrylic paints and attempted some flowers, dots and wiggles. Like I said I am not too happy with it, Its not how I had hoped but practice practice practice, I hope with more experiments I can one day perfect this! 

I'm looking forward to some more paint-play! What do you think of this manicure? Have you used acrylic paints or tried 'The One Stroke' technique?

I hope you guys have a lovely day, I'll see you on Thursday :)



  1. This looked great! I've never tried the one stroke technique but I've wanted to try it for a while. :D

    I understand what you mean about yout bf being away, even though one wishes them the best ever it doesn't stop one from missing them.

    1. Thank you Gelic! I'd love to see your go of one stroke nails! I honestly started off a lot more confident than I should have :( You summed it up very well. xx

  2. Good luck to your boyfriend on his tournament! I this you did a nice job. A million times better than my first attempt!

    1. Thank you Little Monster! I don't know but I'll certainly try again in the future! I bet yours was beautiful!!

  3. Wow this is so beautiful. Love the flowers and the colours.
    I'm just as you, I don't like when my husband is away, but of course it's good to be apart some time, then you can long for each other and that's good. :-) Take care.

    1. Thank you Ann-Sofie! You are right but like you already know, by three days I was desperate to have him back hehe :)

  4. This is lovely! You did a good job, Ithi! I don't like it to be without my man, too and can understand how you feel about the upcoming weekend! :-(

    1. Thank you so much Stadwaldvogel! I guess its something we all must unwillingly have to put up with from time to time! :(

  5. This nails look just amazing!
    and I love the purple polish from china glace <3

    x julia

    1. Thank you Julia! I do too, its more of a deep red with subtle holo but it just so pretty when captured in decent lighting!

  6. You say you're not happy with it but they look amazing to me! I also really love that china glaze colour and it really goes well with the black and white flowers!

    1. Thank you so much Alice, It was a lot trickier than I expected. I thought I'd just grab a paint brush and have it look like the youtube videos... so wrong!


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