I Was Nominated For The Versatile Blogger Award.

Allo Polish Pals!
How are you doing today? I hope your expecting a fun weekend. Today Mr Bravo left to Czech very early and as hard as I'm trying I'm feeling pretty down.. Meh. It seems to be creeping into most thoughts. I attempted my first Galaxy nail art today and completely messed it up by a single coat of glitter. As I went to edit the pictures I just couldn't bring myself to post it so now I'm kinda a day behind myself.

I was recently nominated by the ever so lovely Gelic for the versatile blogger award. Thank you Gelic! You really must go check her blog out, girl has some serious skills with nail polish, its always fun to read her blog and see her latest creations.  Please read the full post for my nominations!

The Rules:
  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Include a link to their blog.
  3. Select 15 new blogs/bloggers that you've recently discovered or follow regularly.
  4. Nominate those bloggers for a Versatile Blogger Award, leave a link to their page and let them know they've been nominated.
  5. Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

7 Things About Ithfifi, That's me!
1. I love home made soup and I enjoy making them too, yummy spicy chorizo soup or spiced pumpkin are among my favourites.
2. I'm a crazy cat lady, since moving to Holland and missing my cat Mars back in England I'll often stop to stroke kitties.
3. I am hardly ever without socks because my feet get so cold, I just love those big fluffy winter socks, snuggly!
4. Both my Nieces (3, 6) Always check out my nails as soon as they see me and my Dutch Niece has also noticed that normally only one hand is painted! I think that confuses her.
5. Surprisingly one of the foods I miss most from England is my Mother's roast dinners ~ Mostly for the fact that my dad grows his own vegetables and they are so delicious.
6. I've been known to steal the controller from Mr Bravo and run over a few people in GTA5. innocent, really.
7. I am really quiet and shy when you first meet me. Doesn't always last though!

Here are my nominations for this award :) I have to admit I have known about some of these blogs for sometime.. but eh!

Lou ~ louisperfectlypolished
Jacqueline ~ Claws Up! 
Julia ~ Owl Loves Nails
Ann-Sofie ~ Colour It 
Katherine ~ Procrastinails 

That's all for today, I hope you enjoyed reading my answers. I'm doing my best to 'snap out' of this weird mood I am in and will go restart my galaxy manicure right now :)

Have a great night,


  1. Thank you so much for nominating you, Ithi! Although I have decided not to share awards any more because that is too much work for me :-) But I am honored because you thought of me!

  2. Thank you for nominating me lovely lady xx

  3. I'm a crazy cat lady too! Thanks for the nomination :) I know what its like to be away from the one you love. You will get through it and it will be even sweeter when hes back!

  4. Thank's so much for this nomination, now I've posted my nominations. Thank's Ithi. ♥


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