Real Feather Nail Art With Polka Dot

Allo polish Pals!
How are you all doing today?
What the...! It's Friday again already?! I feel like there are week days that have been stolen. Somebody alert the authorities. Do you have any lovely plans this weekend? My poor Partner is sick so I've been doing my best to take care of him. I think its going to be a very warm quiet weekend inside for us. I think a few cancelled plans here and there but there's no one I'd rather be cooped up with!
Today's manicure features feathers from The Born Pretty Store. I nabbed these quite some time ago and to be honest I was a little wimpy about using them! I decided that I should finally just try it.

On all nails I started with two coats of Color Club's 'Normadic In Nude' and on my ring finger applied a topcoat of Seche Vite before carefully layering the feather down on top. I then used cuticle clippers to cut off any stray edges and smoothed off the edge with a nail file. On my remaining fingers I used W7's White and striping tape to create a diagonal French tip. I then added on top W7's Black and used a dotting tool with 'Normadic In Nude' to add the polka dots.

Ok its not perfect in the slightest but I think for a first attempt it's passable. Hopefully.

What do you guys think of this dotted feather nail art? Have you tried using real feathers in your manicures?

Have a wonderful start to your weekend!


  1. I think this came out great! I also like that you decided to use it as an accent and the other nails became like an abstract version of the feather! :D
    I've done feather nail art once, and I actually really liked it! After I'm done with the 31day challenge I'll probably use them again! :D

    1. Your feather art looks great! I'm planning to do some more in the future too, its so fun to do. I really thought it was going to be a real messy job so I was quite surprised! Thank you Gelic :)

  2. It's so beautiful ! I really love the feather effect on your ring finger ! It looks so nice !

  3. What a pretty mani! The feather looks so cool, and I like how you did the rest of your nails to compliment that. :)

    ~ Yun

  4. The feather effect is great, and I love the design you used on the rest of your nails too! It's beautiful!

  5. Beautiful. I adore the feather accent nail and polka dot slanted tips are the perfect pairing. Get well soon to your partner xx

  6. This is such a stunning manicure Ithi, it's a masterpiece! I've received some real feathers from a beauty shop in the Netherlands (Have you heard about "What the flock?") well, I'd love to use them, but I'm a little reticent since I really don't think they're cruelty free. But I guess now I have them the damage is done? isn't it? plus is not like I've paid for them, I didn't even choose them, they were sent to me as a gift. what would you do in my place?
    Hope your partner is feeling better already, and so do you, xxx.

  7. wow i love it, its so classy! beautiful!


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