Freehand Golden Retriever Puppy Pile

Allo polish Pals,
How are you doing today? Tell me, have you ever been so close to an animal, a family pet who you felt close to growing up, or even a pet now that might be your 'baby'? I've had cats and dogs over the years that have amazed me with their personalities. Growing up I had golden retrievers and cats. Even though I had friends as a child, my furry friends would be around to confide in and offer support without judgement, to give unconditional love and understanding. I have very, very fond memories revolving around these golden beauties so I wanted to do something to show it! (Of course I love all dogs of every breed, I just wanted to do this for myself!)

The beautiful creatures we offer our homes to, don't just become our pets. They become our family and we become theirs.

The inspiration for this picture came from this beautiful illustration on pinterest. For this manicure I began with two coats of Barry M's 'Truffle'. The dogs were done entirely in acrylic paint with my bamboo brush. I wish I had done a better job but at the same time I am glad it is how it is.

What do you think of my puppy pile nails? 

I love you guys so very much, thank you for all the support you have given me in the past weeks. I have made some lovely friends, you have all been so kind and sweet to me. I truly am grateful.



  1. What a wonderful mani - well done!
    I agree, pets should be part of the family, I have lived with animals (dogs, cats, birds and fostered wild life animals) all of my soon 62 years, I use to say I was born with dog hairs in my mouth LOL

    1. Thank you so much, Maria! <3 That is amazing that you got to foster wild life animals! What animals did you care for? That's a really good and funny saying, I think I must be the same to, haha! :) xx

  2. I can't believe you actually painted these! Amazing work! They look so natural!
    I had a budgie that could speak and was very clingy. He became 8 years old and I still miss him on some days.

    1. Thank you so much, Stadwaldvogel! It tooks quite a long time but I am glad I did it! Wow, I am always fascinated with birds that can talk! I know how hard it is, I miss some of my fur babies too on certain days *hugs* <3

  3. I agree with you, our furry friends really do become our family members. <3
    I love this mani, and I admire your freehand skills, this is perfection really. Soooo amazing and beautiful. <3

    1. I know how much you love your beautiful girls! I really miss having a constant cat companion. Thank you so much for all your kind words, Ann-Sofie <3 xx

  4. oh how cute!! I love golden retrivers <3

  5. you did an amazing job. the golden retrivers came out wonderful :D
    When I was kid I used to have cat , dogs and turtle as my pets. now I have fishes ;)

    1. Thank you so much HGNailDesign! <3 You had a zoo-house too :) I've never had a turtle but they do really interest me, are they hard to keep? Fish, I find it so relaxing to watch fish! xx

  6. I love golden retrivers though I never had one. But I had a lovely cocker spaniel and a lot of mixed breads and now we have a cat and yes, they were all family members :) I always was a huge pet lover, this is why your nail art goes straight to my heart! It is very well painted!
    Have a great day and weekend!

    1. I'm so glad you agree! I love Cocker Spaniels too, My Aunt had one that was so cuddly! I don't think some people who have never had pets really understand how they become part of the family, its a shame. Thank you so much for your kind words! I think it might show that I love animals since about 80% of my nail art is animal related! Have a great weekend too! <3

  7. Nice work! You have always such a cute idea for nail arts! :D

  8. This is beautiful! As you know I have a kitty who is the world to me, not a pet, but my best friend and family. Your nail art is amazing and usual! Seriously, they look like nail wraps, I can't believe they are freehand, you are incredibly talented! <3

  9. I can't believe this! You are a true artist ;) Your nails are Always perfection, every of your manicures, again and again I think you are just so talented! This manicure aaaaaaaaah I can't handle it, sooo cute!! It's perfect <3

  10. Freehaaaaaaand? What? SO GOOD.

    I think golden retrievers are the cutest, which is saying a lot since I am faithful to the breed I had as my best friend for half of my life - collie. : )
    I absolutely agree, they truly become family, nothing odd about that - I used to talk to mine and he would give unconditional love and loyalty.


  11. So cute, this is just pure perfection <3
    I know the feeling, there's always been cats in my house as I was growing up and I felt a real connection with each one of them. Now that we don't have any pets anymore I really miss the feeling of coming back after a long day to a friend that won't judge me no mater what and will always cheer me up :)


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