Freehand Crocodile Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing, I hope your week has been awesome and your weekend will be even better!

I've had a pretty full week but that's great because it means I am learning the ropes quicker so to speak. Tomorrow I plan on doing very little, haha! I've had no time to paint (until today, wahoo!) We had our black Friday sale yesterday and it was busier than I had imagined. I feel like I am settling in well now, I make a few hiccups on the til when I am given vouchers but I am getting there – and enjoying it for the most part!

Today's nail art is one I had been excited to share with you as I thought it turned out pretty cute. It is back on my old nail shape (it's sort of frustrating me to keep seeing it) but we'll focus on the nail art!

I began this manicure with my OPI Nail Envy base coat and once dry applied two coats of my China Glaze 'White On White' for a nice clean canvas. I applied a thin coat of top coat and moved in with my acrylic paints. I am not 100% sure why I made the sky green... scratches head.. Maybe I thought it would make it look more jungle-like. I sealed everything in with another two layers of top coat and finally my matte top coat.

What do you guys think? When I painted the little bird I knew right away that he need a little captains hat! I'd like to think the crocodile is transporting his friend to somewhere he needs to be, so kind and helpful!

What do you guys think of this nail art? Is there something you'd like to see me paint?

Have an awesome day, guys! Thank you for visiting. I'll catch you again on Monday.



  1. Hi hun! I have so many posts to catch up on but of course I'm starting at the wrong end ;)
    Your ducky looks adorable and you actually managed to make your crocodile look friendly so I can totally see them navigating the swamps together (to go shopping of course ;) Great job! (and speaking about job... am I right in thinking you managed to land one? *starts cheering just in case*)

    1. Hi Joyce!! I hope you are doing better now? Make sure you take it easy, ok? Aww thank you! Yes I think they might be going shopping too! Imagine the three of them walking into a shop! You are right, I have got a job!! I am contracted for 16 hrs but worked more this week due to the black Friday sales. I'm working in a department store on the fragrance counter and I am LOVING it! I'm only a Christmas temp but I am hoping super hard that they might be able to keep me on afterwards.. fingers crossed. If not I'll be looking for another job in the new year but so far so good! <3 Thank you for asking!

  2. Your nail art is fabulous. I've been trying to get myself to be able to make such beautiful nails. Anyway, still a work in progress. But kudos to you on such an awesome job.

  3. This Freehand Crocodile Nail art is so beautiful and amazing! I love nail art design like this on my nails! Awesome!

  4. You have an amazing art nail talent, this is so cool and pretty. I like how the duck walking and the crocodile in the water.

  5. Wow this crocodile nail art is just so beautiful.. the best part is that it's done free hand wow I just love it ...

  6. What an amazing nail art, I love the caption you have mentioned for this nail art, Crocodiles can be helpful sometimes. I really like the details in the nail art, so real and beautiful.

  7. OMG! How did you do this? This is so so amazing! So perfect and detailed! You are so talented! loving this nail art!

  8. I personally like the clear coat better, I think I said before the clear coat makes the water come alive. But the matte does have that jungle fell. So I can see why you went with it as there is more jungle than water.

  9. You did that yourself. Omg I wished you lived in Atlanta. We would be nailing it up together. That is awesome!

  10. OMG. As always wonderfully well done. How lovely you come up with a great caption as well.

  11. You have some skills there! I think I would like to call it Art :) Keep doing it!

  12. I'm not a fan of green but I still think your nail art looks beautiful! It's not easy to paint something like this - I really admire your discipline!

  13. Wow!This was so hard to do. It looks soo cute! I'm every time impressed with how talented you are. I wish I had a still hand like you :)

  14. I love nail art & yours really awesome. Your nail arts like sharing a story in forest with crocodile, bird etc. :) cheers, siennylovesdrawing


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