Happy 5th Year Blogiversary GIVEAWAY!

Allo polish Pals!

Thank you for joining me on such an important post! I can hardly believe today marks 5 whole years of blogging for me. That's half a freakin' decade!

Ok, technically IthinityBeauty.com is six years old but today marks my first ever post. It took me an entire year of pondering if I could really blog. I had build it up in my head as a huge and mighty task and I was afraid of failing – not sure why now.

But starting my blog was one of the best personal decisions I've ever made. My blog has been there in times where I've wanted to give up, given me structure and routine while I've not been working. 
Its taught me discipline and taught me how to schedule and plan. My organisation skills..well, I didn't have any before.
I've met so many wonderful ladies and had some really fun opportunities. My blog has grown and I have with it, so many things have happened in the past five years, people coming, people going..but my blog has been constant.

I want to thank you all so much to those who follow me and my nail art journey and those who lurk quietly and keep coming back to see what I've created next. You are all a big part of what makes blogging so much fun for me, thank you!

I decided not to do any blogiversary nail art this year. Instead I thought I'd include just one piece from each year. With 822 published posts this was not an easy task at all!!  I'm going to end with the most meaningful and deep nail art I've ever created. I'd see that nail art broke the boundries for me, it showed me that not only could I paint something 'pretty' but it could have a real depth to it.

2012 - riiiight back to the beginning!
2013 - Attempting freehand designs.
2014 - Getting braver!
2015 - My first 'big' nail art design. I was so pleased with this at the time. My nails were too long!

2016 - Loving acrylic paints and creating full nail scenes and landscapes.
2017 - The most meaningful nail art I have to date. This one came at a time of loss and hope.
This final nail art was inspired by my self growth, over coming personal difficulties, letting go of things and accepting others into my life, ending a long term relationship and ultimately moving back home to England. People often see this nail art as sad, I guess because she's on the edge of the cliff and the balloon has gotten away from me but its completely the opposite. It was a hard time in my life and you were all so lovely to me.

So as a little thank you for all the support over the years I'm hosting a giveaway!

This giveaway will run from the 16th October until November 2017 

Open Internationally - ONE winner will be picked at random.

Winner will have 72 hrs to respond to the email or a new winner will be selected.

See full terms and conditions on the rafflecoptor.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
The full prize include the following:
24 set of acrylic paints.
Brush roll containing 20 brushes and dotting tools.
7 sheets of water decals.
1 pot of crushed shell decorations
4 small stamping plates.
1 large stamping plate.
One scraper.
2 bags of skeleton studs.
1 packet of moustach stickers.
1 packet stickers/plate.
1 bag of assorted nail foils.

Shared on bloggiveawaydirectory.com Blog Giveaway

Goodluck everyone! Of course please feel free to share this post if your friends are into nail art!
Thank you again for visiting my blog and joining me on my nail art journey.  I'll catch you again on Wednesday!



  1. Hey Ithi. Congratulations on the fifth year blogiversary. You have made such a big progress over the year. I have always adored your freehand design. You keep getting better and better.
    Much love x Cheers for today and many more :D

  2. Congratulations Ithy❤ love ur nails always❤

  3. Many congrats on the anniversary...and what a fab prize....I adore the Dinosaur nail art!! <3
    Nettie Edmondson

  4. I would love to paint one stroke flowers

    1. And I really love your work ��

    2. Great work. I also started my work like this. I love doing nail art videos. I have my own YouTube channel bt i am a beginner so not perfect bt still doing good .

  5. Congratulations Ithi! I'm very glad we got to "meet" through our hobby and I can't wait to see how high your balloon will soar (or how your nail technician training is going to affect your work). Big hugs!

  6. Congratulations on reaching the 5 year mark. I loved that you showcase one from each year. Are they your favorite piece you did from each year?

  7. Happy Blogiversary! I would give them to my artistic daughter, I am not arty at all! :) Thanks for the chance x

  8. I would paint the dinasaurs on my grandaughter as she just been to dinasaurs in the wild in manchester

  9. Felicidades, gracias por el sorteo.Algo fácil,no se me da bien a mano alzada.

  10. congratulations on reaching 5 years! such an amazing achievement. I love how creative you are

  11. Well done ❤
    Think I'd try the christmas theme and hopefully perfect it in time 🎄☃️🦌🎅

  12. Congratulations Ithi! It's a great milestone !! I remember when you started blogging , in fact we both started almost at the same time. I'm so happy for you that Ithinitybeauty is turning 5 and I wish you many more years!! You're such a talented artist and is always such a pleasure to see your new creations. Loads of hugs and kisses!!

  13. Congratulations! You create great nail art and I really enjoy visiting your blog :)

  14. I adore the last nail art you highlighted - the girl and tree. It is so meaningful and poignant. To think you can do that with nail art. Amazing. And congrats on the big 5!!

  15. Thank you for hosting this giveaway! If I won, I'd love to paint northern lights!

  16. Congratulations on your 5 year blogiversary Ithi. That's such an awesome milestone to reach and you've done more than 800 posts. That's so impressive. I really enjoyed seeing your nail art through the years. DIt must make you feel so incredibly proud about what you've achieved and how your artistic talent has grown. Love your work

  17. Congrats on your five year blog-versary! I love all these nail looks, but I think the story that goes with your last look is a great way to look at the artwork's meaning.

  18. Congratulations! I can relate to milestones in blogging. I just reached 1k followers on IG and I am over the moon. This blogging journey for me is similar to what you said it was for you. I have met some great bloggers and have had such great experiences so far. I love how you're giving back to your subscribers to mark your milestone.

  19. Congratulations! You're an amazing freehand nail artist. I need to practice more on one stroke and freehand, so this acrylic paints will be great for that

  20. Hi Ithi! Congratulations once again. I've always admired your beautiful freehand designs and I hope to continue seeing your amazing artwork for many more years! It has been a pleasure getting to know you through Tiny Canvas.

    If I were to win the set of acrylic paints, I would attempt to paint something I've been meaning to try: an ancient Egypt inspired landscape (I have a huge fascination for archaeology ��).

  21. Happy Blogiversary! Your nail art is absolutely fantastic! Heres wishing you many more creative successes!

  22. Congratulations on completing five years. Your creative nail art has been so inspiring.

    ❥ tanvii.com

  23. I love the third manicure, it's so pretty! And also congratulations and happy blogiversary!

  24. Wow these are so talented! I love the nail art and painted designs. You sound like you've had a fun blogging career.

  25. Rainbows though I don't know if i would have the skill.

  26. Wow!! Congratulation on your 5th year anniversary in blogging. You are so talented to paint your nails. I want to have some nail art equipment.

  27. Five years!!! Congrats!!! You have the best creations! I am absolutely LOVING the leaves. I wish I could get someone to do this for me!

  28. Congratulations on your 5th anniversary in blogging. I really love all your nail art. Especially the getting braver. Looks perfect for Fall seasons.

  29. Omg i love all of your designs! I wish I could do that for myself. I was just chipping my shellec off lol! Congratz on your 5th!

  30. I would like to paint first your nail art Getting braver.It is beautiful nail art.Congratulations on your 5th anniversary.

  31. Omg 5 years! Congrats on having your blog for that long. Continue with consistency and you'll go far :)

  32. I am lucky enough to have a lovely blog friend like you. And I am very proud of you Ithi. Your blogging journey is an inspiration to many and your skill is outstanding. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and art with us. Wish you many many more colourful happy years of blogging. We love you Ithi. 😍

  33. I will leave it up to my daughter as I'm looking to win as a gift for her

  34. Dear Ithi, congratulations on your 5th blogiversary <3
    You're doing such a great job, I love all your manis. Your progress over the last years is amazing, you're truely talented :) Hope there will be many, many more blog posts from you :)

  35. Congrats Ithi on your anniversary!! Great giveaway!! Love all your art you've done, I'd love to be as talented as you x

  36. Congrats on your achievement 😊 I would probably do some fall theme. Great giveaway I do my own nails it's fun and so much cheaper 😀 Thanks for a chance

  37. Congrats for 5 years! Toot talent is amazing and I always look forward to what you'll try next!

  38. I would love to paint some flowers.

  39. thanks for this great opportunity ,love your work

  40. Congrats and thanks for this amazing opportunity, i love your work.

  41. I would love to freehand anime nail art. Thanks for the chance ❤.

  42. Congratulations 😍 thanks for the opportunity💞 wish I win this.. Love to win this 😍💖 love you 😘

  43. Happy Bloggiversary to begin :) I would begin practicing some christmas designs, although I think it may be a while before my standards are anywhere near yours, you have an amazing talent, keep up the good work! x

  44. Congratulations! I would love to be able to paint as good as you but I doubt it. I would have a go at doing flowers and work my way up to more complex designs. Thank you for the chance to win x

  45. would have to be something autumnal. congratulations

  46. I would probably start working on Christmas/winter designs. Some snowflakes, ornaments, penguins!! I love how UNIQUE your manis are! There are so many amazing nail artists out there, but yours are truly, beautifully, uniquely your own!!

  47. Congratulations on blogiversary.

    I have a thing about birds especially pigeons and doves so would try to paint those.

  48. First of all congrats for the blog-anniversary. You're one of the best nail artists out there and I am super glad that you never gave up blogging and showed us your beautiful work. To answer your question, even if I didn't painted from a while anything with acrylics I think I am going to make some brush stroke flowers! Thanks for this amazing giveaway!

  49. Happy blogiversary! I have never tried acrilics and I would love to. I am a huge Disney fan so I would go with a Disney design.

  50. happy blog anniversary x it would be mermaids and unicorns x

  51. I would paint a landscape or a mountain range

  52. A pretty design for bonfire night

  53. I would love to paint flowers or trees.

  54. Congratulations on your fifth year blogiversary. I would like to paint flowers.

    Hazel Rea - @beachrambler

  55. I would give this my daughter who is brilliant at anything arty and watches a lot of nail art tutorials 💅

  56. A butterfly I think, Congratulations on your fifth year blogiversary

  57. Happy Blogiversary these are fab designs i would love to try to paint some Disney ones

  58. its christmas soon so anything to do with that

  59. Some tiger stripes. Might get the hang on them before the start of the Rugby League season lol. Only kick-offs in February.

  60. i want to win this for my teenage daughter,and i'm going to get her to paint something festive with lots of sparkle x

  61. Love these has to be something xmasy maybe santa

  62. Hey, sweetie! I'm ridiculously late to the party as far as commenting, I'm so sorry. But -- I just had to leave a note and say that your progression in your nail art skills over the years is extremely impressive. It really, really shows that you've put time and effort in practicing and improving. I find it it incredibly inspirational!! Looking forward to five more years of your amazing nail art blogging!!! XO XO


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