Freehand Full Acorn Nail Art

Allo polish Pals!

How are you all doing today? I hope your week is going well - anything fun going on?

This week I am busy getting all my posts 'polished' up for over the weekend as I'll be taking a little trip to the bottom of the Uk, I think that'll be the most south I've ever been. Its just a little trip from Friday to Monday but I am looking forward to a change of scenery. Of course I'll still be posting while I am away anyway.

Today's nail art is a little...nuts. I created this before I made my nails more pointy which is a shame but hey, I still like the idea even if I do see what I could have improved it. This isn't a design I'd actually really like to wear but I wanted to create something unusual.

I decided to try and create acorns out of my entire nail shape. In hindsight I should have used a dark polish along the sides of the nail to have enhanced the nut shape and made it look like the cap part of the nut was more circular. Sometimes you just don't see these things until you take a step back and reflect on your work. I also kind of wish I had done the nuts light and more varied in tones.. Too bad.

For this manicure I began with my usual base coat of Nail Envy and once dry applied two coats of Barry M 'Cocoa' nail polish. I added a thin layer of top coat and moved in with my acrylic paints, mostly using yellows, browns and whites to create the acorn effect.

So... I guess its quite extreme looking but it is kind of fun. I don't often paint around my nails or on my skin so every time I looked down I kept wondering what was on my fingers!

I think I nailed the nutty brief. Also a little nod to Dodge and Penny, our resident squirrels who have disappeared for the year, it seems. I have loved watching all their antics over the summer, have you ever heard a squirrel shouting? At one point they were shouting at my cat Mars, its a pretty alarming noise until you realise who's making it!

What do you guys think of my acorn nails? What is your favourite season?

Have a fantastic day, guys! Thank you so much for visiting. If you've not entered my international giveaway don't forget to!

I'll see you again on Saturday for some more nailery!



  1. I can see what you mean with the things you would have liked to improve but I still think your nails look great :) Didn't it itch with the paint on your skin?

  2. i have never seen such a beautiful nail art.very impressive

  3. they are so cute! i wouldn't have the patience for that!

    1. Thank you, Taylor! My patience levels have really grown since I started nail art, I have to say!

  4. Those are so cool! I'm currently rocking gravestones on my nails for Halloween. But I think the acorns are a cute idea for November!

    1. Thank you, Ashley! Yay for Halloween nail art! I bet your gravestones look awesome. I am rolling out the Halloween art in the coming week :)

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Ananka! Loved seeing your travel haul, you are going to be busy for a long time!

  6. These look so good. What great skills you have.

  7. I like how creative your nails are. Safe travels for your trip.

  8. So cute and creative! I never would have thought to add the stem on my skin. It adds to the realistic look!

    1. Thank you, TexanMama! It really came as more of an after thought but I am glad I had it!

  9. Wow I have never seen such kind of nail art before.. Your Acorn nail style is fabulous I must say...

    1. Thank youo, Jagriti, I try and think of unusual ideas :)

  10. Wow!! You are so awesome and very creative. Your Acorn nail art looks so incredible. Amazing!!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Shubhada! :)

  11. Acorn nails? It looks so awesom. You are so creative with your nail arts. I love reading your posts

    1. Thank you so much Sue-Tanya! I've been enjoying your discussions!!

  12. Your nail art always blow my mind. What motivates you to do it? How did you get started? :)


  13. This is so beautiful! I'm amazed with how steady hand you have. I'm loving this. I would love recreate this, but I'm not sure I'm good enough :D

  14. Oh my goodness! Those nails are so detailed. That literally is art! You're very good with the shading lights and darks. I love them, they're adorable :)

  15. This is freehanded? You -my friend - are amazingly talented!

  16. Love the nails. Fun, fall and festive!!!

  17. Very cute nail art and I like the depth you gave to the whole mani putting paint on your skin. It looks fun!

  18. This is amazing! And you did this freehand, that requires great skill. Well done.

  19. You can never go wrong with any freehand design and this one is no exception. You have done it beautifully Ithi.

  20. Angela Ricardo Bethea21 October 2017 at 17:47

    Wow!! Your nail art is so beautiful. I really like the ombre shades of black and brown. So impressive.

  21. This Acorn nail art is so beautiful. You are so creative and talented.

  22. They are so cute <3 !
    I love those little paintings on your skin, especially the leafs on your ring finger :)
    My favourite season - wow, that's hard, I like them all. But if I had to choose I guess I'd go for summer.


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